Reminder: Ant and Joe live in constant fear of the subreddit for a defunct radio show.

22  2017-09-21 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Wonderful isn't it?

No one else is talking about them. As much as entertainers try to act like they don't care about what people think, they have to by the very nature of what it means to be an entertainer and how their business works. If Ant wasnt a prideful phony he'd be fine

Don't we all?

The shit /u/braunheiser can do with an internet connection, sketchy brain pills and some free time is frightening.

And he could have had enthusiastic support from this sub if he weren't so thin-skinned.

Anthony you lose the moral support of a few dozen unemployed fat white nationalists because you can't handle even the gentlest criticism. How's that feel, fucker?!

Not as good as a dick in the ass, but close.

Am I crazy or did BroJoe add some dates to the 2U page? Pushing out into next February:

I do find it hilarious that he threatened "serious legal trouble" to stinks on twitter if he loses his Meadowlands gig. He's basically saying, "if you get any of my gigs canceled, I will once again make a buffoon of myself on a public stage".

What would be Joe legal approach be? He'd have to go to real, grown up court where they'll bother digging into his past.

They'd also be able to prove, in a court of law, that Joe did in fact write all of the racist stuff he's now denying. stinks could uncover old Guilty By Association episodes during discovery.

I've got front row tickets for February 31!

We've done good, boys.

Joe is stupid enough to think he can post insanely racist shit under his actual name. Just insanity. The Internet is free, but that doesn't mean you can be an idiot about it. He's not his brother.