Does anyone else like looking for hot prisoners for potential relationships?

52  2017-09-21 by A_Friendly_Creeper


I suppose in 2017 she's considered petite.

Is that what the face tattoo tells you?

Bitch be lookin like Paul Stanley and shiznit

Whazzis bitch in for??

Native girls are fucking insane.

amanda miller 29 from Cali, pretty fucking hot, could be out by 2019

She's gonna need a play to stay.

Oooh. Russian bitch. You better have money or she could have you killed.

Tempted to find the oldest black lady and pretend to be Anthony.

Education: High school, H.V.A.C Certified

Maybe she could help Ant get back in the business after his nigger-rich lifestyle and HasBeen Media leaves him penniless.

Laurence Fishburne looking bitch

nice shades

Age, race, gender unimportant.

Wow, what a coincidence! Isn't that Ant's life philosophy?

Age and race are VERY important to Ant. It's gender that he doesn't care about when looking for love

Not a bad idea sir

Holy shit

Is anyone else having problems with the jpay app?


These are my kind of women. Broken and used to being kept in a cell.

Watch out for gang connections.

Exactly. What seems like innocent and fun emails turns into you being murdered during a home invasion by MS-13

And hacked to death.

Those are mexicans. Stick with the white chicks, then you'll just have to possibly deal with the Aryan Brotherhood.

No! My chosen princess, Angelica Duran (my little angel) did exactly that.

a man told investigators that his ex-girlfriend, 20-year-old Angelica Marie Duran, had come into his apartment with two men and robbed him at gunpoint

Duran tied his legs and arms together, according to court documents. The man said he was also threatened with a knife held up to his throat

I bet she dindu nuffin

She says she likes to be silly.

Looking up why they are in jail is fun. It's like playing guess who's the murderer?

And Christian

Tsss, why not Nick Barmitzvah or sumpin?

the tinder chip roll needs to chip roll these fine young gals.

I hope one of you fall in love, then she gets out and makes your life miserable.

Reminds me of a story. Doug Stanhope used to write to some kid that burnt down a gas station with his girlfriend killing a couple of people in the process. Doug got a life sized copy of the kids photo and went to some premier of a movie he was in and told a bunch of celebrities that this kid was supposed to be there but sadly he's sick in hospital with a terminal illness and hasn't got long to go. He'd love it if the celebrities took photos with the kid to send to him.

sounds like a bunch of horse shit if you ask me. where are these photos?

He gave them to the kid, presumably.

I was just about to ask you. Yea, I don't buy most of Stanhope's nonsense. This is definitely made up.

Was the kids name Horowitz?

A few years ago I was looking for a house to rent. It was going to be me, my GF, and a co-worker of mine. We looked all afternoon, and as the day wore on, my coworker told me about how his parents house burned down.

I asked him what the cause was.

He said he burned it down.

I didn't move in with him.

Hey boo

Nothing but trouble. Sexy trouble.

wow, and look at those bazongas!


Also her breasts! Hubba hubba!!

According to The Baltimore Sun, in 1982, when Day was 17, living in Orange County, California, and known by her maiden name of Laura Lee Feist, she shot and killed her boyfriend before turning the gun on herself. News accounts at the time said that her motive was to see to it that they would be buried together.

That fucking pussy pass works every time. Six years for an obvious homocide with no real suicidal intent (shot yourself in the shoulder attempting suicide?)

"she shot and killed her boyfriend before turning the gun on herself. News accounts at the time said that her motive was to see to it that they would be buried together.

She was still carrying a bullet in her shoulder from that incident 11 years later, and by that time, she had also served six years of a 17-year sentence for her second-degree murder conviction."

This bitch is straight out of Single White Female. How do people end up living lives like this?

Considering there are over 300 million people in America alone, I am surprised how few people live lives like this.

Ask Uncle Paul.

Race : Other

Activities in prison: Sodomize bitches with hair brush,


Does anyone think that Joe Matarese would enjoy one of these pen pals?

Yeah, but would the inmate?

Only one way to find out

That's perfect.

Asian/Black = Chigger?

This is amazing

It really is.

Only women want to fuck criminals

Wait, are YOU trying to call me a dame?

this is great im finally going to find a girlfriend

Hope she turns out better than the homeless shooter.

Just found Thomas_Daly's alt

Which one of us is going to end up dead from this?

My money's on /u/Thomas_Daly

Me, probably.


Nig is gay for 2D traps and Joyomi dead, nigga.
Had to bury him in a shipping container

Hopefully all of you.

Why are braces so hot?

I think I'll write to Lutheran Jessica. BTW how the fuck did she go to jail? Girls like her aren't supposed to go to jail. I thought you had to be black or gautemalan or something to go to jail.

According to the Michigan Department of Corrections, sweet little Jessica had a problem with cocaine.

Well, now I've got my jerk list for the next week.

What could go wrong here?

I can't come up with anything.

This is pretty cool. Thanks for sharing.

you are welcome bub.

Someone pull this off and have Chip establish a relationship with one of these tramps

That's caged heat.

Are conjugal visits a possibility?

I'm not sure. I haven't researched that far yet.

In Lyons v. Gilligan (1974), the United States District Court for the Northern District of Ohio held that the prisoners have no constitutional right to conjugal visits with their spouses during sentences. The United States Federal Bureau of Prisons does not allow conjugal visits for prisoners in federal custody.

California, Mississippi and some other states are good though.

BETSY: George, Celia has listed you as a character reference. Whatever you can tell us would certainly be helpful in her getting paroled.

GEORGE: Well, anything I can do to help, um...she's a wonderful girl. Very smart. Very...crafty.

BETSY: Does she have any plans after she's released?

GEORGE: Plans. Schemes. She keeps talking about getting back together with her old friends - "the gang," as she likes to call them, you know. Yeah, they're hatching something, you can count on that.

I was just watching this ep, nice

I am really enjoying this thread rn

me too!

I believe every single young lady on this website describes themselves as outgoing and open minded.

I can't wait to get disemboweled by whichever one I pick.

best of luck!

I do now!

enjoy lol

This is my favorite subreddit

Nice FILF. According to the DOJ she was moving flake so you know she likes to party.

Haha! Yeah, I looked that up too. It was one of her selling points.

I was reading about this one girl who seemed interesting. Then I looked up her name in the database and found out she's a murderer. I just finished sealing the envelope with some peckah juice.

May you find love.

The amount of commissary deposits that these bitches are getting dumb fucks to send them has to be ridiculous.

100th comment sock cuckas!

Here's your upboat as a reward.

I wanna see the upboat movie

Some of these are Doosy’s. My Favorite is Sabaha, but it’s not like I’m going to drive out there and date her. Her charge was aggregated DUI, and she has no education.

I'm about ready to take the plunge with one of these gals!

Hey boo

Wait, are YOU trying to call me a dame?

Age and race are VERY important to Ant. It's gender that he doesn't care about when looking for love