Tits is allegedly going on Race Wars

5  2017-09-20 by greygooser


Think they will step on Greggshells during the episode? Or does Metzger not do that show anymore?

He hasn't officially quit the show, but he lives in LA now and only calls in occasionally.

He was the only good part of that dumb podcast.

I won't even hate listen. I am free.

No shit, I've genuinely lost interest in even shitting on the ope man. I unfollowed his twitter a while back and it's real nice.

I finally got blocked about two weeks ago. Its like when Dr. Marvin thinks Bob is dead and he does a moonlit dance like a madman on the dock.

Will you still visit us here from time to time?

Your username set me off- remember all the great fezzy lock up years. I wanna say 2013 I was late to meetings because Fez was going through a breakdown and Ronnie taking calls. Super era.

This is going to cost Opie $750, possibly $1500 if the Mad Faggit has balls.

Of course he only does a show if it's His Guy's show. Pussy.

'1 like'.

He will announce his job on Race Wars.

I've got a job for him OOH!

He HAS to promote his stupid facebook live twice. It cant be just one mention of popup and one mention of racewars.

I hope he gets caught in the crossfire of a race war instead.