The Mike Bocchetti and Bobo show is fucking genius

99  2017-09-20 by SirWallaceII

if you enjoyed old Tim and Eric, this has a similar vibe. These 2 lovable dumb dumbs are a great, kind of like an in-house TV production from a mental institution.

These has the potential to be the best show on the entire network.


Too bad it was a one-off, Keith is too dumb to properly grasp the legitimate appeal of such a pairing.

Wait, so now Mike Bocchetti will unironically host a show of his own? At least Bobo made it silly and cute. Bocchetti is genuinely retarded.

But then again, they already employ Taleeb Starkes.

Neither. I think Bill Shulz is getting a show to replace Gavin's.

Unlikely, like I said it seems yesterday's show was a one-off since Bill Schulz is starting a new morning show on October 2nd. There wasn't a new show today so the above is probably the case.

Now, its certainly possible for Mike & Bobo to have their own show in the early afternoon, that timeslot is free and they definitely do want to keep doing it, hell, they'd probably do it for free and simply relish the attention.

I thought Bocchetti will do a solo show. I'm slow.

Who the fuck is bill schulz. Network with a bunch of nobodies. We want the bobes!

he's a writer and one of the original founders of Red Eye. seems like a good egg, but i dont see him carrying a show by himself.

Of course he can't - if he could he'd have a real job on a real network.

Someone post the whole video here out of spite please.

I imagine it's what keeps Keith up at night.

I hahv it, where post it?

Someone post the whole video here out of spite please.

I imagine it's what keeps Keith up at night.

Exactly. At least let the dopes do it for a couple of weeks until the new morning show begins.

Doesn't matter anyway, Bocchetti is going to get sued into oblivion by Scorch for stealing weird news.

Is it worth the price. Can't one of you guys post this?

They already put the whole episode up gratis.


them with a rotating third guest playing the role of the straight man would be fantastic.

Gay joke. Chip reference.

They have to have Colin or other comic guests each show. That would be great.

Yes. Kevin Brennan was a perfect foil and Mike fucking with him was the best, while bobo sat there with dolls eyes. Best show ever


The Gofundme Bros.!!!

Bocchetti was great some of the shit he said was so naturally funny (how he talks, how he phrased things etc). Bobo, was not on his A-game, could be replaced if he doesnt come with it

bobo was nervous. u know when he gets comfortable he can drop some good lines

some of my favorites:

"knock it off, spade!" "I would radder eat pussy than lunch" "My uncle works at the queens motor lodge"

You mean when Sam was on the other end of his headphones he dropped some good lines.

Take that dick out!

Queens Motor Inn. Show some respect

Where is the id eat pussy line?

it was from an old promo i think from o and a a

Asking bobo if he shows porn to his dogs got me

Out of the 100 shows that have spawned from O&A, this has been the best one yet.

Didn't Norton say he gave a bunch of his old clothes to Bobo after he lost weight? I'm guessing that 10 year old Tapout shirt is one.

you don't think Bobo is training to be a fighter?

He has retard strength and doesn't have to worry about CTE. That's not a bad idea.

I ugh was a ugh fighter alroight. a gNavy seal!

I could have been a contender alwright.

Well in the physical fitness competition against Sam and erock it was revealed that bobo is a sit-up phenom and if he didn't get lost during the footrace he would have won the whole competition

He frequently wears a Charlie sheen bowling shirt that norton used to perform in.

I hear Gavin's gone to Louder With Crowder's network. Their shows are usually pretty good, some funny sketches.

Ah Christ, you doing this old bit again nigger? I thought I told you to go fuck your mother.

Eat my asshole.

Too bad kieth the cuck is cancelling it come november.

I’ve never subbed to CP so maybe my premise is just plain wrong, but I noticed I was able to watch this show for free. Okay that’s great, but at the same time Keith aggressively takes down uploads of other content that people put up.

Doesn’t that seem kinda backwards? I mean no one knows who the fuck Bobo is but us. No one who isn’t us is interested in this show. So Keith’s strategy is to keep shows featuring Artie Lange and other actual notable people behind a paywall, but he puts out for free a show featuring relatively obscure Mike Boschetti and completely unknown Daniel Kurlan.

I don’t get it. I’m not even bashing Keith, I just don’t understand what his endgame is.

Its part of Anthonys community service the court is making him do. He's knocking off hours by working with retards

Keith is employed solely to help Ant navigate age of consent laws.

He's a cop running an entertainment website.

Helen Keller running Atlantic Records would make more sense.

I didn't enjoy Tim and Eric, but thanks.

A 8:45 they steal scorch's weird news bit haha.

Didn't Opie first pair these two together a few years ago? So you've essentially praised Tits as a genius now.

He did not.

Tit milks on you.

And me! Stalker Patti!


Bochetti 'n Bobo in your sector motherfucka *gunshots

Its David and Bobo show

Wheres the link at fam

Dan I was wondering what kind of dog you have?

Even Bobo being uncomfortable while Brennan high-jacked his show was entertaining. You could tell Bobo was pissed that Brennan was stealing his thunder.

What I love about that show is thinking in realtime what Artie or Anthony would be picking up on. It almost amplifies their stupidy.

What I love about that show is thinking in realtime what Artie or Anthony would be picking up on. It almost amplifies their stupidy.

Ahem......... WE HEARD YOU!

There's no need to cut off my legs to make yourself feel taller.

you realize its not a real thing and was just a goof right?

Mike Bocchetti is alright. Honestly fuck bobo, No idea why you guys love him so much. Are you going to donate to his next fund as well?

Seriously. He's a piece of shit.

Keith is employed solely to help Ant navigate age of consent laws.

I could have been a contender alwright.