How do you get a girl to like you?

1  2017-09-20 by Single_Action_Army

And touch your weinie?


Breaking into her room while she's asleep and start licking her asshole.

You have to force them, whether they like it or not

Give her father two goats and a cow for the rights to her womb

Get friendzoned, try to build a fence around her, get a job on a national radio show, give her employment opportunities, and we're still waiting to see what the next step is.

Just tell them they do, you know women can't think for themselves.

Go to Iceland


Suck their dick.

Kill her dad. By eliminating the dominant male in her life, you automatically assume a position of power.

be alpha male - hit her with a brick when she is not watching, and take whats yours.

Just always be around and eventually she will exhaust all other options and who will be there for her and her kids? You! That's how to do it.

By sucking her peckah. Ladies love selflessness.

Trap her in a room, put on some smooth jazz, and make her watch you masturbate. It displays both confidence and your refined taste.

Do women also like thick-framed glasses or calling my daughters retarded?

Both will bring their femalia to flow.

Break into her house at night and duct tape her hands and feet. Drag her out to the living room where you will already have her mother, father and any siblings she has duct taped, gagged and waiting. If you have a mask on remove it so she sees your face and ask her if she loves you. If she says no then you kill a member of her family each time she says no, go youngest to oldest to have the most impact. When she finally says she loves you tell her she has to suck your dick right there in front of the remaining living family members. If she refuses.....start killing again until she says yes. As she sucks your dick make sure you keep eye contact with the oldest member of her family still alive, preferably her father, let him know he's a failure and couldn't protect his family from you. That will emasculate him in her eyes which is essential if you want her to be your long term women. After she sucks your dick, then you fuck her, and again emasculate her father the whole time. Once that's finished, drag her out to your car, toss her in the trunk, come back inside and finish off the family and then leave to start your brand new life together.

If you don't want a life with her then you fuck her and kill her father and whoever else is left alive while she cries and then you shoot her, get in your car and leave.

In both cases, whether you keep her or not, you have to set the house on fire to destroy any dna, call the cops from a cheap throwaway cellphone and say you are a concerned motorist who noticed a group of negroes breaking into a the house and you think they intend the family that lives there harm. Then you drive off, wipe the phone clean of any fingerprints and toss it into a river or the ocean and live your life.


Nah just stuck at home with the flu and been watching too much shitty TV because I can't sleep. Seen too many repeats of CSI: Miami, Law and Order and other horrible cop shows. Also watched Taken 1, 2 and 3 in a marathon session yesterday and some old shitty 70's cop movies where the bad guys all talk like stereotypical Hollywood thugs.

Expect a knock at the door sometime soon.

Coming by for a visit? I'll make pizza rolls and chicken fingers.

Just occurred to me, you jackasses do understand I was referring to an adult woman, not a girl right? Hence the part about if she lives alone.

Dave, why don't you take a seat?

What should I do with the wine coolers, flowers, chocolate and condoms?

You get a ski mask and a hand gun, and you force love right to their hearts. That's how it's done.

Haha just give up now. You don't have the capacity to become a true alpha male. Are you even red pilled?

Drive by the swing set and ask her to spit in your mouth, according to Brother Joe.

Be white, make money.

Act like you don't like her. They'll be so confused they'll try to "fix" it and make everything right again, with their most valuable commodity.

It's easy cuz they're dumb.

Here's a more family friendly response since people got their panties in a bunch over my murder post.

When you see her always smile and give a little wave. Maybe drop a little compliment, tell her how seeing her always brightens your day and no matter how tired you are it all vanishes when you see her because she lifts your spirits and gives you strength. Offer to buy her a cup of coffee or tea, maybe see if she'd like to share a light lunch with you, nothing serious, just two friends. Gradually get to know her, learn about her, tell her about you, quick lunches become long lunches which become dinners which become romantic dinners. Quick smiles and waves become lingering glances and light touches on the hand and arm which leads to hand holding and hugs and eventually a first kiss. Give her flowers now and then, maybe a single one to start and never roses. Then you give her a yellow rose and then a few and then some white roses and then mix in a red rose and then another until finally it's a full dozen long stemmed roses. Maybe a necklace or earrings, tell her you saw them and thought of her and knew they'd look amazing on her. Read her poetry, nothing too heavy or romantic, just light words to give a lilt to her heart. Try your own hand at poetry and if you have any musical talent maybe sing her a song. Let her know through it all that she is all you ever think of, you go to bed with her name on your lips and wake with her face in your minds eye. Then one day it happens, love, forever and lasting lover. And in 40 years as you and she sit on the porch of your home, watching your grandkids play and frolic you can look over at her, she'll look at you and you'll share a secret smile and remember all the good times. And you'll think to yourself, "Goddamn that faggot from the O&A Reddit was right. Shame he died of a massive coronary after eating 5 pounds of bacon and 2 pounds of Jimmy Dean sositch."

Have a job. Lick her cooter till her juice runs on to your pecker.

Be a sixty year old with millions of dollars and a mansion. Find a 14 year old female vine star who has braces and give her your credit card information. Then slowly manipulate her with sociopathic flattery and relatabiliy (i.e "you're so wise for someone your age" , "wow, you like Led Zeppelin? We have so much in common" , " I feel like I've known you my whole life" , "I wish I knew you when I was in high school" etc). Then convince her to come live at your mansions for a few months. Easy game

You're all forgetting that you have to scope the place out for evidence of chris Hansen and tv crews.

Dont go on the internet and ask this, ever. There are literally no steps you can take, just wait for things to get better and for you to not be like this anymore, and youll look back and cringe. If hear a "love song" or whatever on the radio these days I immediately think about it from the perspective of the person annoyed as fuck by the one singing it, youll get there just chill