Reminder: Anthony would rather fuck men with tits than Rihanna

72  2017-09-20 by fingerofgawd


TBF Rihanna is ageing like a bottle of milk.


nappy headed ho

You are mental.

"the trans"

Ol' dindunuffin Cumia.

What a cruel public rejection of his one true love.

He's just afraid she's gonna punch him, more than once, then some black guys will start noticing and jump in.

*then he'll shout out the word Nigger, then some black guys will notice and give him shit.

feminine qualities like wide hips large breasts don't appeal to hebephiles. they prefer boyish features: flat chests & baby boy butts on women.

Yeah I mean, only one of them has a penis.

it's so much worse that Sue has a tiny cock. It's like a child's, which is why it's appealing to Anthony Cumia I guess

You are so right. I enjoy the occasional trap like Sasha Hevyn, Andrezza Lyra, Sara Salazar or Dani Daniels. But those are transsexuals with a real penis. When I look at Sues cock, I feel like a pedophile.


He's just another self loathing negro faggot.

But Rihanna clearly loves to be hit by men. I'm sure she wouldn't mind the occasional veneer chompers bite from old man Cumia. Ants making the wrong decision here.

Rihanna would kick the shit out of Ant. Part of the reason why Ant loves young girls is because they're small in stature and can't fight back. It's clear that Rihanna is intimidating to Ant, and he's trying to cover that up by simply saying she's ugly.

That and he's a fag.

He's a Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag.

Rihanna is butt fugly. I agree with trant

You also prefer rock hard fake tits and creepy tranny dick?

me too. at least a tranny's a human. get it? rihanna's a nigger.

I bet you get a lot pussy, don't you?


A bit of advice, you may want to stop introducing yourself as "naziniggerfaggot"…just saying.

TIL Anthony blocked me on Twitter, I can't see this tweets now.

He apparently didn't like the fact I pointed out "Keith needs to stop removing short clips, or better yet hire someone to run an internet show who knows how the internet works in 2017"

Which is sad because I was the only one who consistently defended him when the bullshit mortgage stuff came up. He's just like his brother: his own worst enemy.

thats sad, everyone remembers and cares how you consistently defended him during that bullshit mortgage thing

That's funny but I don't give a shit about acknowledgement. He's still a bitch for not being able to take any honest criticism from fans (while trashing Opie for doing the same).

It's just obvious Ant ignoring obvious problems the fans consistently point out by dismissing them as 'haters' is not helping him or his shows. He's just going further down the rabbit hole into his echo chamber by blocking everyone.

Anthony has a pathological disgust for black people and minorities. But he really thinks it's just a totally normal personal sexual preference.

To be fair, he only said he is "cuter."

I don't want to fuck a "cute" bitch.

Rihanna looks really good in that pic too.

Antonio Cumbia is just as delusional about his sexuality as he is his race

Sue is really a sweet heart she doesn't deserve to be associated with anth.

He ain't wrong

Didn't we literally do this exact bit like 2-3 weeks ago?

I'll re-add my 2 cents - I'd rather fuck a pile of dogshit than put my PECKAH anywhere near some black hood bitch.

Not saying I'd like to fuck dogshit (or a "trans"), but black bitches are just as disgusting as both of those things.

Yea because this sub never repeats the same bits over & over & over again. I think you just can't handle that not everyone on here is complete racist hick. Btw you'd fuck Rihanna in a second & probably anyone or anything with a heartbeat.

"Hick" lol.

I legit can't handle the fact that there are apparently "men" in the world that have a psyche so fucked up that they're able to be aroused by women with features that resemble those of an animal. Couple that with the attitude that a stereotypical "African American woman" has, and the only way I would want to touch them is to beat them into a coma, hypothetically speaking. However, I'm happy to admit that there are black chicks that don't completely disgust me, but I don't find them aesthetically pleasing to wanna fuck em on sight.

To put it another way, Rihanna isn't my cup o' tea.

You "legit can't handle"…oof. Yea it's crazy that men could probably sexually attracted to a smoking hot woman who isn't white, how could this be! Relax Anthony, we all know how it worked out the last time you tried to confront an African American woman, the only one being into a coma is you. You clearly are an unhappy man & you should do yourself & society a favor & just end your own life. I'm sure you've considered it, so have some balls & follow through with it.

Thanks for the encouragement kinda fella!

I hope you have kids that get molested by a black bitch, and they end up killing themselves in front of you on xmas.

Also, you should get CANCER, you should only get cancer.

Lol thanks Dink. You clearly have never been around black people, otherwise you'd never come me with such an embarrassing insult "I hope you have kids that get molested by a black bitch"…clever…oof. I don't have kids because I'm not ready yet, how about you? I'm too busy having fun & fucking sexy women of different ethnicities (occasionally black girls too) in my lower Manhattan apartment that I actually own because I get paid well in a career that I love, how about you? As far as getting cancer I hope that doesn't happen, i come from a long line of healthy people who all look great for there age. All my grandparents are still alive & are all active & look great for people in their 80's & 90's, no one is obese, how about you? I image your t-shirt size has a lot of X's on that tag. Me I do t have that problem son, 5'11 170lb, 29" waist & mad handsome, how about you?

LOL You mad af breh!! Of course you're fucking "women" of different ethnicities you millennial baby girl, you live in Manhattan, a place where cultural diversity is an outspoken badge of honor.

I'm not gonna bother describing myself to you like this is fuckin tinder or something, you might wanna delete that reply in fact. The worst part of O&A are the fans, they get off on doxxing people and playing detective. Generally speaking though we're very similar sounding in size not that it makes a difference.

Lastly, you dumb fuck, the cancer line is from The King Of Comedy which is quoted and referred to by Ant and Jimmy on a regular basis. Check it out then kill yourself for fucks sake, you goose.

I could see where he would be coming from if it was just self preservational, that bitch probably has a cocktail of some undiscovered mega STD. But no, he actually called a man cute.

thats sad, everyone remembers and cares how you consistently defended him during that bullshit mortgage thing