Opie tries to attack Trump out of desperation, only to be humiliated

55  2017-09-20 by FlashVirus


Also piles onto another's point by just typing "Yup" as if he knew random Truman speeches like the back of his hand



Opie is a real WW2 history buff. Sure he can barely read aloud, but in his free time he is nose deep in non-fictional literature. You can tell by how well rounded and knowledgable is when it comes to various subjects like current event, sports, politics, music and even films.


ME: Dat Hitler wasn't even.. uhh.. wasn't even German. sniff He was from fawwwkin venna australia... err. austria, austria. Fawkin painter, went really deep with his style too...

Vienna, ya never sausage such a place.tss tss thus then peckers

thus then

THAT old gag...

In Opie's brain, "wordy" + retarded = funny + likeable.

I hate him so much.

Greatest hits.

Almost as clueless as he is to movie references.

Thus what an utter cunt

10 likes lol

Weird thing about that too. I responded to his tweet here and this was the guy that was auto-liking me:


I'm assuming #Opiemaniacs like this guy are the ones liking Opie's tweets.

Is that a bot?

seems to be a ''like'' bot. Probably comes with the company Opie hired that gives him fake followers too

Once again... half a minute of looking at what this 'bot' likes and it's obviously not an Opie bot.

Why would Opie like these tweet trashing him?





Seth "Sam"? Nah, we grew playing hot-leggos. Microwave and throw them at the opponents. One sided game. His mom was Divorced

Is that not a lot?

It's more than I ever get

Well considering he tweets mostly 1 word responses to boring tweets, it's surprising anyone reads/likes his tweets

He usually gets half of that. The bots be busy today.

Not to mention The Economist was referring to Kim Jong Il, Trump was referring to Kim Jung Un.

"It was implied thus then why my tweet showing how utterly unoriginal it was."

Nice sentence asshole.

I mean, the "thus then" is a spaz reference, but even without it that's an incoherent mess.

a buffoon in every facet of being

things don't seem to be going this man's way

lol Opie and the Economist can't think of a less likely paring

Sam and veggies?

....Thus then why my tweet showing how unoriginal it was....

The asinine nonsense of a buffoon. With most ppl, you'd worry if he had a stroke...idiotic rambling.

his background picture of him with his tongue hanging out and Vic Henley pointing at him makes me so mad

It's fucking sad that asshole is a millionaire and can barely formulate a coherent sentence. He walked ads backwards into Anthony, because without him, he'd be lucky to be on n a morning zoo crew in Des Moines.

Is that a bot?