Opie, at this stage, reminds me of a mentally ill Jewish dude I went to school with. Except "Johnny G" was much cooler. But he had a psychotic break one night in summer 2003, when we were smoking shit hash on a balcony in Tenerife, and his mannerisms were the same as Tits'.

5  2017-09-19 by McGowan9


The over compensating laughter, the guzzling of beer, the general unease in himself. The same as Johnny. Only John started "talking" to someone called Winston who wasn't there. We all took the piss. He never recovered or carried through his former academic promise.

Isnt spanish hachis the worst? Ugh

I love how they stick Opie on the end of the table. I wonder if he's sitting on a phone book

More to the point, where's his wife and kids. Carl's huge titted missus is there, plus kid of debatable gender. Vic and American Karl Pilkington and wife - check. Where are Opie's significant others? It's almost like they've left him or sumpthin'

They're enjoying his money when he's not there, as Mrs Hughes planned

I have nothing to add other than I was in Tenerife last month where I bought some fine leather goods for myself. Unfortunately not pot was smoked with an Opie lookalike or otherwise.

Haven't smoked weed in years but it was depressing coming from London, where you can buy high quality skunk literally anywhere to Tenerife, where your best chance of linking is from some dirty African on the beach - shit hash wrapped in sello-tape. Maybe the plastic sent him doolally.

It's nice that when I click on these YouTube links, I've already previously downvoted them.

Gotta keep it consistent.

I like the part after protracted lack of eye contact with waiter, he stuffs his mouth with food, missing the cue to fake laugh, claps and raises up for a fist bump as his hand reaches shoulder height, the fabric of his shirt twists into a fold, the overhead light of the table casts a shadow on what has to be at least a rockin pair of perky three inchers. You guys said opie had tits but you never said he had great tits. I like to think that his areolas are so large they intersect, thoughts?


You Canary Island faggot. Was it on "holiday", did you and your "mates" "bugger" each other?

I was only joking, sorry you hung out with a retard my European friend.