nigga how you gonna have a bald spot ON your bald spot???

182  2017-09-19 by Cullen396


We call him Opie Roberts but he inherited Papa Ant's hair.

How does he convince himself he doesn't look like complete shit

Mommy's praise

He has a real face for radio (haha)


How about poor Jess?

Sam is really benefitting from his healthy eating choices. Pizza bagels, chicken nuggets, and spaghetti O's have turned him into a Frump.

And the early teen boost of HGH seems to have expedited the aging process.

Yeah I bet w/o that HGH, Sam would look like a human being with a full head of hair. HGH has always been my theory to why he looks and sounds like that.

You know Sam hates not being behind the board while Mr Is-That-Mic-On-Oh-I-Didn't-Mean-To-Press-That-Button sits in the big chair like a 7 year old with AIDS sitting in the driver's seat of a car pretending to drive.

You know Sam hates not being behind the board while Mr Is-That-Mic-On-Oh-I-Didn't-Mean-To-Press-That-Button sits in the big chair like a 7 year old with AIDS sitting in the driver's seat of a car pretending to drive.

That's a very specific comparison.

Sam's hairline has overtaken Opie's with flying colors.

It's looking to catch up with Louis CK's very soon.

He got that Klingon 5head

It'll be interesting/horrifying to see what that much HGH does to someone in his 50s, 60s, 70s.

I don't think he's going to make it, sir.

are you black?

Motherfucker got mange.

chupacabra lookin muhfucka

sam started losing his hair right around the time he made it his personal mission to parade dj who kid on the O&A channel. There must be a correlation between hair loss and digesting black cum.

Pretty sure Sam is the result of black cum

Is rogaine over the counter or will I be getting some sort of prescription these days?

amazon nigga

He's got taco meat hair.

My laugh just echoed through the hospital at this. Thank you, lover

Something terminal, I hope.

He's at point where he should just either take finasteride or go for the surgery. He's obviously got a good donor area; they can correct what happening up there. He's looking maybe a little less than 10k for that? Maybe a little more around 12k? He's doing better financially now, and the radio world is largely both visual and audio, so either way he's going to have to consider it.

or maybe glue a $3 brillo pad to his head like anthony?

Or he could just shave his head.

TRUE. But some men look GREAT with a shaved head, and some men NEED ALL THE HELP THEY CAN GET. Sam in the latter group.

Why are you yelling?

Im just sick of his "I'm maturing" delusion. That made me so angry, my eyes crossed. No one has ever said that in complete earnest as a defense to the hate he gets on this site that he absolutely reads and sees.

He's too far gone for finasteride. It's more of a "keep what you got" drug than miracle hairline medicine.

Well finasteride can regrow hair (up to 66%) and reinforce the hair you have. The hair that does grow back though isn't going to be the same kind of quality that he used to have, but it'll give him coverage. Worked on the sides of my head. That, and obviously using minoxidil and nizoral shampoo. Lazer therapy works too to reinforce the follicles, and stimulate new growth. I know I sound like a faggot.

He should just go for the surgery though, then try all this shit. The surgery would've taken care of all of these issues, then he can just follow it up with finasteride, minoxidil and nizoral. Or if he has side effects with finasteride; just minoxidil and nizoral. His crown doesn't seem to be thinning; just the hairline needs help. Why continue to look like a bear with mange; if he's doing ok financially from WWE and Sirius, just take the plunge on the surgery.

just shave your damn head you science experiment


They also mentioned this on air as well. He was given many warnings about baldness.

Traction alopecia.

Can having a pony-tail really cause hair loss?

I'd imagine a tight one, constantly pulled back, recedes the hairline through constant strain, pressure, and stress.

Sam kept trying his hair up into a pineapple because his mother told him he looked like the leader of DeGeneration X. Probably also an element of sad pandering to hip hop types to show them how puffy his hair is, ol Jun Your Mint needs some street credibility.

Thank you. I've always had a great head of hair. When I was 16, I went through a wigger phase of wearing a Chicago White Sox hat everywhere until my gf's mother told me that wearing hats could lead to baldness. I chucked it that day. Now that I'm older, I wonder if she was bullshitting me.

I was going to mention hats as well, I've heard that the material rubbing up against your follicles all day long can't be good.

It looks a hairy manta ray planted itself on top of his head.

He has a real face for radio (haha)

Was this screenshot in the middle of an autistic tantrum?

I for one don't find Sam very attractive.

Sam is 35-ish years old, and think about all the things he's never eaten. Just a few examples: eggplant. watermelon. kiwi. thyme. flounder. rice.

All of these things are yucky to baby boy Sam. How can you not want to fucking murder him?

I blame his mother for indulging this fuck.

What the fuck? Didnt paleolithic man subsist on fruits and vegetables?!

And mammoth tenders

how you like your flounder?

He could have avoided all this if he had a normal diet.

or the 3 million years of evolution everyone else has over him

He chose the worst hairstyle to go bald with.

That is disgusting.

Sams head looks like someone tried shaving their ballsack with a dollar store razor when they were drunk

Ant should give Sam his hair plug guy's card.

They aren't hair plugs they are individually placed follicles!

He's starting to look like Coolio at this point.

A Skullett engineer.

His hair looks like the cookie monster's hand after it fisted his ass

I don't really care what he looks like. He just sucks at radio. I'd like to keep hearing Jim, but I'm about to give up on the show.

when is that little tuft of hair gonna blow away... Hate how he pretends that he doesn't care what people think of his appearance.

I thought we killed all his people?

fun yuck yuck humor and all, but as an observer I really appreciate and want to commend the guys who spew at Jim on twitter how genuinely awful this guy is. not in a casual way, not jokes about his annoying voice, not about his goofy looks, it's about how he views at and comments upon other people in relation to his own talents, abilities, and generosity of spirit. it's out of whack. there's something about his character as a person that is instinctually repulsive. As another user here mentioned, he's "worse than a bully. He doesn't have the courage to attack directly. He's the guy who cozys up to the bully because he's too cowardly to say the things himself, and will befriend the bullies so he doesn't get attacked himself."

there's nothing he can do to hide it, it's going to keep coming out cause it's who he is and, like Opie, it will only fester as time goes on. Jim taints himself by association and probably feels shitty about it on a daily basis, rationalizing it like he did with Opie.

You're too old for this shit Jim.

I hate this worthless fuck Sam more than anyone. But you gotta give him props that he actually managed to fuck a girl even once. Even more impressive he did it with his mangled dick.

Those pubic tufts are just covers for his Jew horns. Like what you'd see on woods in a golf bag.

Wont have a kickass widows peak like colin. The bitch is going George Castanza

Sometimes I think it sucks looking 15. Then I realize I could look like Sam and thank god that I get carded all the time.

Needs a more flattering angle is all.

Is this clown even 35 yet?


He should call Anthony and ask him about his hair plug guy.

He looks like he should be plotting the murder of Bart Simpson

I cannot believe sam is only 33. He looks like utter shit, if I didn't know his real age I'd think he was atleast 45.

Everything on top behind the double bald spot is fake or harvested. The double bald spot may have been the last area on the top of his head not treated by PEDs. He's had some voodoo going on with his hair for several years. There was a specialist intervention that only made it worse. It's possible every morning he meticulously glues to his head a hair kippah.

How has she not filed for divorce yet from this fucking mutant??

He looks like the kind of guy, you stay far away from, in line.

or the 3 million years of evolution everyone else has over him