Josh R. Thompson: Why are People from this Sub Harassing Him? (SNN Clips)

1  2017-09-19 by OpiesInnerCircle

Watching clips at SNN and laughing at the harassing of this Josh R. Thompson. Why all the venom against this guy? He was Geoffery the Robot for Christ's sake!


Is this the fag who made thenigisup look like a bigger fag?

why'd you stop going on discord faggot

Not enough talking

Hey Josh I'll roast ya for 50 bucks


It's not "people", it's person. And that person is Joe Matarese.

I always just assume whoever we bother is the one who started it.

Because his feathers ruffle easily. Isn't that the point of this place?

The best bit was when josh let tapped out and joe got serious - "I'm scared josh, I got two kids..."