Jim Norton And Sam Roberts - Rude Jude, Pete Davidson & More (09/19/2017)

2  2017-09-19 by unreal305


That's the lineup today? Yuck.

Isn't Rude Jude that guy Ellis was always pushing for having his own show?

Guess what? .... within 30seconds of Jim joining the show, he's describing which roads his car drove down - they probably have 1 listener at most in Manhatten.

I wanna see Chippah on the Artie & Ant show.

Jimmy couldn't grasp the concept of a flyover state...

Rude Jude sounds way tougher than he looks. I'd love to punch him in the liver and watch him crumble.

He's a tiny jew.

So Jims gay?

Is Pete Davidson doing ok with his sobriety? Maybe Jim could give him some pointers