Confirmed. Jim Norton is fucking a European man

83  2017-09-19 by Dennyislife

He said he was also the only reason he did those shows in oslo and the like earlier in the year.

I can't wait for some kid to throw acid on the two of them in December in london



Penis = man

I agree. Has Jimmy confirmed he's dating a trans? From everything I've heard Jim say about it, my money is on a female webcam girl from an Eastern Bloc nation who for some unknown reason isn't welcome in the States.

I think Sam heavily hinted at it and Jim went with it

I'm curious to see how this turns out. I can't imagine it being a happy ending.

The not being allowed into the US part is intriguing. I'm guessing its the fucked up son of some high profile Russian Spy.

Could be the Russian mob?

Me : Jim shouldn't have fawwkin antagonized me. My mafiosi friends coulda have helped.

Hush, you'll summon Bert Kreischer

Ah good, I needed to hear THE MACHINE story for the fucking eighty billionent time.

I think that the most likely reasons are:
1. Criminal record. 2. Overstaying a previous visa and penalized with not being able to get a new visa for a number of months or years.

Hopefully the story ends with Jimmy being stabbed by a ricin umbrella.

That's 90% of Jim's jokes though.

it's like you've never listened to the show at all

Male-to-female webcammer from Minsk, Belarus according to one SNN secret source. Currently trying to independently verify

It's a mental health issue.We have enough unstable people.

The reason for him doing the shows in oslo was only bc he wanted to see the person hes dating? How does that statement confirm its a trans person?

come on, you really think its not a tranny?

Yes. Jimmy attraction to trans women is just a bit.

tss his tranny love is just a lot or sumpthin'

I thought Tranthony was the biter.

yes, it's the penis shaped bit to be precise.

Im not saying i dont think it is. But wheres the proof that everyones talking about? Upload or tell me where to find it

That was already confirmed.

I can confirm that this was already confirmed.

just go with it.

To be fair, it's hard to tell the men from the women in most European countries.

He's not actually European, he's a Turkish man living in a Northern European country.

So the worm is fucking a roach?

When they fuck it probably looks like those Japanese Bug Fight videos.

I imagine that Jimmy is generous in bed, I see him being the power bottom in their relationship. I imagine his Gokhan Saki looking boyfriend gives him a solid rogering that leaves him staggering for days afterwards.

For real though, Chip has become the more normal of the two. Jim is a fucking weird dude.

Gokhan Saki

Of all the kickboxers, that's weird pick.

He's Turkish. Do you know any other famous Turks? I don't.

i missed the turkish part.

I think Jim would go more for Remy Bonjasky though.


I think Badr Hari would throw him a bone, literally. I think he just broke up with Ronaldo. I think Jimmy has a shot, don't you?

The bone Badr throws him will probably be Jim's ankle bone

Nah, it would be his heavy Moroccan dick, right to the worms little face. He'd be all over that shit, like a gerbil on a water bottle.

The Royals

Dr. Oz is of Turkish decent.

Isn't Turkey part of Europe? I guess it's probably considered Asia like Russia is butthats just splitting hairs, when I think of Asia I tend to think of people who look traditionally Asian like Chinese or Japanese not people who look a Greek.

We don't consider them to be European. With the shit that's going on they won't ente the EU anytime soon either.

Both Turkey and Russia have land on both continents. The dividing line is the Bosphorus (a river-like sea strait) that runs through Istanbul leaving a small part of Turkey in Europe. The other dividing line is the Ural mountain range which puts most of the population of Russia (Moscow, St Pete, etc) in Europe while most of their land is considered Asia.

Maybe before Brexit, the situation improved a lot without those genetic disasters.

Genetic disasters? The men I've seen in England lack a strong jawline (their chin is almost interverted) & have odd narrow shoulders compared to men of countries less bitch-like.

Jimmy would fit right in.

Body hair. The women have it, the men don't.

Not all of Europe, the men & women are only indistinguishable in places like Sweden, UK (minus Scotland & Ireland), Neatherlans, Demark, Belgium & all those other soft pussy countries. Got Sicilian family still in Italy & these are men who would never kiss refugee ass for fear of looking politically incorrect. I have many friends of Balkan decent (Albainians, Serbs, Bosnians), Polish, tons of Russians from my old neighborhood in Brooklyn & basically all Southern & Eastern Europe who aren't anything like spineless she-men that exist in Western Europe. I could give a shit what happens to those people people in Western Europe, they have always been soulless people who never had a righteous bone in their body, just look at the difference between the Spanish & the English when colonizing the Americas. The Spanish were decent & the Anglo's were ruthless because of fear.

Take your upvote an go home.

Yeah, some bomb-ass broads over in Spain. Probably the sexiest country, all things considered.

You already have moor blood from the sounds of it. No fucking wonder you don't give a shit if White Europa gets destroyed. You're walking evidence of the failure of race mixing.

Rome had indoor plumbing when Jesus walked the earth, meanwhile not all that long ago, in historic terms, Northern European cities flooding their own streets excrement because they weren't smart enough to figure out what the Mediterranean people (including North Africa) figured out over a thousand years before. Race mixing๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚!! If you think the ancient Greeks & Romans were ever inferior Northern Europe, than you probably should take some history lessons. Race mixing? Yes if you believe that mediterranean people who are geographically & genetically similar is race mixing but that just sound like basic ignorance to me. Please point out one attribute of having milky white skin white that burns with minimal contact form the sun has, also a predisposition towards alcoholism & a abnormally unattractiveness do to inbreeding. Say what you will but tell me the average full blooded Anglo from the U.K. is more physically attractive than that of an Southern or Eastern European.

Whatever dude, you aren't even white.

Hahaaa!!! Thank God. Let me let you in on a little secret, I am white but you are considered too white, uncultured, no family values, raised with McDonalds instead of homemade meals, made to pay rent to parents after 18, no warmth & no real love. That's why it's more natural for my cousins in the Detroit area to marry a Chaldean than a scrub mutt who doesn't even know his own history. Yes I'm white, just like Greek are white, Lebanese are white etc etc but if you think for one minuthst anyone want to be white (no culture) white then you're outta of your mind son.

"too white"

spoken like a real darkie.

Spoken like a guy who turns bright red after a few hours of exposure to the sun.

Dude! I'm in the Detroit area. And I love chaldean women! Any promising ladies?

Hahaa, I love them too! I had no idea what a Chaldean was because I'm not from Detroit but I have family there. I thought I was exposed to every culture under the sun growing up in New York City but the Chaldean phenomenon going on over in the Detroit area is something else & they seem like truely great culture as far as I can tell & the fact that my guido cousins are marrying them instead of Italian girls says a lot.

There are some real winners, but I noticed there tends to be a higher percentage of high maintenance ones. These fuckers drive 100k cars at 16.

Yea I kinda noticed that, they are definitely sexy but not really my style. The two cousins who are married to Chaldean women are great guys but pretty cheesy as far as Escalade with big chrome rims, suburban McMansions, metrosexual types who are more at home at the club than the bar & are always overly tan in the middle of winter & their Chaldean wives seem right at home with this lifestyle.

Now that you mention it, I might hate chaldean women!

All of Europe is white & I don't want any of it destroyed but if any of the European culture must be destroyed then I'd much rather see Swedish & Belgium culture suffer than places like Hungary, Poland, Spain or Albania. Those cultures & most others in that whole region didn't even except Southern & Eastern Europeans as equals. Even in the US Italians were hated, lynched & not considered white which is code-word back then as equal. Very ironic considering if it wasn't for ancient Rome conquering Northern Europe back the English, German & French would've been about advanced as an islolated African tribe during that period of history.

I dont want to see jim sucking tranny dick. his stories are enough

I could be that kid!

I need a picture of this specious ladyboy

CORRECTION Jim Norton is getting fucked by a European man

Are any London dates confirmed?

For some reason I am thinking its weekend of 15/16/17th of December.

Damn, no way... Did he say that on the air?

Maybe? I think it's that weekend for some reason.

One thing I've noticed is that with this particular person, jim has not joked recently that it's a tranny. In fact, he goes out of his way to say lady/woman. He likes this girl and I think he's worried she'd be offended if he implied on air that she has a penis. We all know that tranny shit was just a gimmick.

Sam said about her having a 'extra part' in a jokey type hint hint way and Jim said yeah and carried on talking about the relationship in a non jokey way

Yeah, ive ben noticing this too. Jim is not engaging in these jokes about her.

Look man its love. Sure he can't enter the US and lives over a ocean and is a man who thinks he's a woman but its still love.


Mary Jean

The tranny thing wasn't just a gimmick you boom. Gimmicky yes, but Jim fancies a woman with a pecka, what's so hard to fathom about that?

It's the dating part, mostly.

you only want to believe that because you started doing it yourself after he started this gimmick..

i started transitioning long before jim was into tranny stuff


It's very un-Christian of him.

The main reason he likes her is because she has a penis.

Probably throwing cum on him if it's at the SoHo theatre

I'm glad he met a nice fella

Jimmy is a gypsy.

he follows this less-than-passable one:

Damn she's beautiful


Yeck. You have to scroll down to 2016 to see a hint of any tits, and a confirmation that it's anything more than just a transvestite.

oh jim, no


Isn't there a user called like oslojimmy or something like that?

Hey there ... anyone hip with PReP?

show link to this?


I resemble that remark

will this push him over to success, once he comes out?

Spoiler Jim's new gal is actually Anthony identifying as Euorpean while transitioning to female.

He's dark enough to be European


B-b-but women like funny men!

B-b-but women like rich men!

Jim Norton is proof that when you're a bald, skinnyfat 5 foot 6 worm, being a funny and rich motherfucker with famous friends and television specials doesn't mean shit to women. Jim is so desperate he needs to fuck a tranny roach who can't even come to the States.

Ummm Jim Norton got a date with Rachel Uchitel, who's an eight, and Jill Nicollini basically fell in love with Anthony Cumia

Jim Norton isn't fucking a tranny because that's the best that he can do, Jim Norton is fucking a tranny because he PREFERS trannies

Jim Norton has AIDS and he's 5'6" tall and he STILL got dates with eights. Money and fame goes a loooooong way.

In what world is Rachel Uchitel an 8? I wouldn't fuck that dried up Jew pussy with your dick

She's a tall white girl with long hair and giant tits.

I don't know what you're into, but many would consider her attractive.

I read that as jim norton is a fucking european man which didn't sound quite as bad.

Am I the only one that doesn't buy Jimmys tranny love? He might have fucked a tranny prostitute in his humiliating hooker days but I think he plays it up for relevancy. Ant should get more cred imo.

Jim Norton is a closeted homosexual who got AIDS from having unprotected sexy with transsexuals. His preference for them is 100% real. Saying that Jim Norton's interest in trannies is "a bit" is like saying that Bobo's interest in The Mets is "a bit."

Exactly this.

Could be the Russian mob?

I think that the most likely reasons are:
1. Criminal record. 2. Overstaying a previous visa and penalized with not being able to get a new visa for a number of months or years.

Hopefully the story ends with Jimmy being stabbed by a ricin umbrella.

tss his tranny love is just a lot or sumpthin'

I thought Tranthony was the biter.

yes, it's the penis shaped bit to be precise.