Jim says he has fallen out with a comic who is a long term friend of his. Let's speculate

59  2017-09-19 by Dennyislife

Going with Colin Quinn.


But he mentioned Colin when talking about the nazi story. He said something about showing Colin the vid.

Colin was at the Chip Podacast last week. So I doubt it. I'm guessing Patrice. Probably sick of 6 years of unreturned phone calls.

Opie says he's been on the phone with him nonstop, just laughing and laughing.

I think he was actually howling, not laughing.

Patrice died you dunderhead

When did this happen?

ya kiddin'

I know this is a really edgy sub but that's not funny.

Go on and get your forehead shined, box. I mean Von.

Heard there was a twitter unfollow involved, it got ugly.

It was probably Von behind it all. I heard on the grapevine she's a gold digging twat.


God damn digger

Woah woah woah. Pump the brakes, pal. The guy is dead.

He kills on stage -- nobody is questioning that.


no he said a comic

We live in sad times

I think it's Schumer--in the past Jim has implied that she blew him off, and he unfollowed her.

Did she forget to plug is cartoon extravaganza?


I hope.

Its Burr

Its always Burr. They haven't gotten along since Burr was considered Jims replacement on O and A years ago.

Burr just interviewed Jimmy on his podcast to promote Mouthful of Shame.

In March

Jim probably brought up the fact bill's kid isn't his and is being cuckholded.

Cuckolded... for future reference

Burr is at the level of fame now where they're not going to burn that bridge

Can someone point me towards some Burr content that doesn't stink? Having trouble finding anything that isn't sports talk, him white knighting, or just being a general faggot. It's a rare occasion when he has a funny line or bit

(https://youtu.be/LTe31Z7ICZU)[This guys whole YouTube channel] is dedicated to playing bill burr clips and syncing them up with videos he's talking about. This is where I find Burr most entertaining.

DL Hugely Booga Booga Boogaloo.

Someone who is a Opie sycophant maybe. Or someone who doesn't like Norton political stances such as they are.


"You fuckshin' my wife shjimmy?"

Who gives a shit?

no your right. Lets get back to the important stuff of Joe Cumia's gigs

You're being sarcastic but Joe's gigs is 1,000 times more interesting than this high school drama faggotry. Jimmy is in arrested development, always acting like a teenage girl. Remember when he unfollowed everyone on twitter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCRy2a3tQIc

hi joe

Go on faggot. Gossip some more on who Jimmy is in the outs with!

Oooh somebody is salty because of nonsense internet points

Internet points? What the fuck are you talking about? You're such a fucking fag.

DM me babe x

thank you doctor faggot for diagnosis

Even money on Joe DeVito. Jim is probably upset at his rocket-like ascent into stardom. He's practically third mic on AA. That's gotta hurt Jim. Just another friend passing him by into fame.

Sir, I'll have you know that, based solely on the few pirated A&A clips I've seen because Keith has zero business acumen, that Joe DeVito is a humorless dullard with the timing, reaction, and quickness of a younger Terry Schiavo.

Terry Schiavo bahahahahahahaha

uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


Jim Florentine caught Norton playing ookie cookie and eating the cookie. Florentine said cookies are for children and to just take the loads into your mouth.

Eatin' a cum covered cookie, what am I 12?


no but the kid who covered the cookie for you prob was.

What did Louie Anderson do to Jimmy?

Jim came on to the set of Baskets and came on to him thinking he was a tranny.

Tragedy is comedy!

Joe Matarese.

cant be. Some of it was to do with plugging dates on the show but cancelled when they sold out. So not him.

Dude, I thought Joe Matarese was a loser, but he's pulling in Louis CK. Pretty impressive.

Schumer? Vos or Burr?

Maybe Vos because him and bonnie were having trouble with opie last week or so. Maybe Vos burned a bridge with jim to keep a relationship with OP

That would be stupid, also I think someone here mentioned that Vos on his podcast said Opie and his wife don't talk to them anymore.

They weren't talking because rich went in J&S. So maybe vos said he wouldn't do J&S to retain that relationship.

Yeah ok I just listened to it and it's probably Vos. Just the way he is condescendingly talking about him and saying "he might not even realise what he's doing".

"That would be stupid"

We are talking about Vos right

141 IQ you fucking jerk

They said this person sold out their gig so no, it's not vos

Any more details? It could be any one from Bill Burr to Keith Robinson to Judy Gold.

The only ones who are safely not it are Bobby and Colin since they just worked with him.

someone who recently had dates to plug but then pulled out of show as they sold out.

Podacast or Jim and Sam?

Sam and Jim. He said they had to move stuff around for the person who then blew them off.

If it sold out we know it's not Vos, Sherrod, Vic, Matarese, Robinson, or Judy.

Yeah I think it's probably Doug Benson bc he mentioned the guy also had a podcast. Doug is the only one big enough to sell out and they've had problems scheduling him before.

A comic with a podcast does really narrow things down.

A comic with a podcast who sells out shows and they've had difficulty booking before is a fairly specific set of parameters.

or Marc Marron?

Ding ding!

Based on who he doesn't follow on Twitter anymore it's a toss up between Big Jay, Dan Soder, Jim Jefferies, Sherrod, Doug Benson or Jay Mohr.

Wasn't Jim Jeffries the cause of the twitter unfollowing hissy fit?

Yes, it was due to him not dropping everything to do some shit tour with Norton. I don't know why he expected him to show up when this was during the height of Legit being filmed.

Yeah he was a big part of it, if you listen back it sounds like he's specifically talking about him. Norton thinks he gave Jefferies his big break on "Down and Dirty", so when Jefferies wouldn't do his pilot he got butthurt and unfollowed everyone.

I remember Jimmy raging about that years ago - twitter unfollowing en masse hiss-fit and all.

So Jim Jefferies was the culprit? How did you find out?

Process of elimination

You missed Opie.

Jesus. No wonder Opie with Jim didn't last. Two needy cunts both starving for attention.




Well done, man. Had no idea it was Jefferies. I bet he never even noticed or cared.

Well when Jim Jefferies went on OnA after getting his first HBO special he actually thanked Jimmy and said he only got the deal because of Down and Dirty and Jimmy introducing him to people on HBO so it's not like Jimmy is completely on the wrong, the childish attitude is still pure cringe.

Who would've thought an Aussie that has opinions on American pro-gun, culture would be an asshole.


Arsehole. But as seriously as I respect the 2nd amendment and its purposes, and as much as I understand ya gun culture there, it's sure nice not having to worry about having my head blown off by a dumb American cunt.

Well Aussies like Jim, and you I guess, should realize that those "American cunts" you speak of, are the same color as the aboriginals you guys seem to love so much.

How much black on black gang violence is there in Australia?

How much black on white crime is there is Australia?

There is a reason why you guys dont have much gun crime. There is also a reason why any Aussie fag that comes to live in the US, should shut their fuckin yap about our gun culture.

Jim loves to attack the middle aged white LEGAL owning "gun nut" protecting his home. But never mentions the 17 year old black kid with an illegal gun who is more likely to hit an innocent person with a bullet than the white guy is.

He's a hypocrite..like most liberals. But the only thing worse than an American liberal, is a foreign one that has zero idea about our current day issues.

Fuck him.

Story definitely checks out for containing classic Jim Norton passive aggressive cuntiness.

Jefferies is an SJW cheerleader now. He's irrelevant.

That doesn't erase the fact that Jim is a huge girl

He's actually quite small.

Lol the guy who has a TV show and is know 100x more around the US and the world is irrelevant and Jim Norton is 'the man'


Here's the clip of Colin (Salt of the Earth) Qinn calling Jimmy out on his pissy behavior. Jefferies would only do call ins to the show when Jim was away after this. The only time Jefferies was on the show with Jim again was in Montreal in 2014, even then they didn't interact all that much.

Jimmy is such a little bitch in this, I love hearing Colin just nail him. He's a saint on earth.

Big Jay isn't a friend, they have a weird relationship. It kind of felt like Jim was jealous of him doing a porn star heavy show during the years Opie wouldn't let him have any on. And I don't think Benson would need him to sell out because his retarded pothead fans are a strong fanbase.

Of that list Soder seems the most likely. I don't think Mohr is around him much since he's in LA. And Sherrod couldn't sell out a toilet stall.

Do other comics even consider sherrod a comic?

Cousin of Comic

Exactly. A fat black CoC.

He's considered 3/5ths of a comic in some circles.

How could anyone fall out with Soder, he must be the nicest guy in comedy.

Corporate Dan!

I was listening to the Bonfire recently Big bailey jay had this smalltown hoochie mama comedienne friend on, she's rambling on bout how many dicks she'd enveloped, jay was just yepping along laughing and salivating. Soder kinda low into the mic after being shutdown for one more dick story says something like

 "can I get a word in my own fucking show".

tl;dr {corporate Dan is real}

Anyone who falls out with Soder is now my enemy.

My wife and I met Dan Soder and he was all humble and shy and nice. Good guy.

Can confirm. He's great. Good sets. Super easy to talk to. Grade A guy.


Can't believe I'm actually with Opie about something. Porn stars were the worst guests with the exception of Bree Olsen.

Agreed. I can't see them, so what the fuck good is a vapid hole on the radio?

Fuck Opie. He was just upset because bitches don't like being upstaged by other bitches.

His motivation matters not: they stink.

Yes they do. They are the worst. Next to Opie. I will not have positive things said about that utter piece of garbage.

It kind of felt like Jim was jealous of him doing a porn star heavy show during the years Opie wouldn't let him have any on.

This would be the most pathetic thing ever. I believe it.

I'm not saying that's all of it. Jim was weird to him before SDR came out. Jay talked about him before about how he doesn't understand Jim being nicer to mutual friends than he is to him. It's like how Rogan doesn't acknowledge Luis but has Jay and Dave on JRE evendors though he has much more in common with Luis. That Jay made the show Jim wishes he could be doing is the kicker.

Soder was on Jim and Sam and on Chip's Podacast not that long ago. They seem fine.

But when was the fall out? Recently I take it.

I'm not saying it is Dan, I'm saying of that list he'd make more sense than Benson who is a bigger star than Jim or Big Jay who he doesn't like.

I'm thinking it's someone from LA.

Jim said last Friday (?) on the show that he was going to Los Angeles to do a couple of podcasts to promote his new whatever. He said, if possible, he wante to do Rogan's, last minute and said that Rogan was always great to him. Long story short he ended up doing Rogan's Fight Companion (Joe wasn't even going to do it anymore since he was away but he traveled back just for that so Jimmy could be on)

Jimmy also mentioned doing Burr's podcast, but he said Bill's podcast was a little different since he almost never has any guests on and he said something about Corolla as well.

Did Jim end up doing Burr's?

No. Lately he does the MMP on Sunday nights because he has FIFF on weekdays now.

that's not PFG to me...

Could it be Louis CK?

Jim said he's known this person for a number of years so I don't think it's Soder. My money would be on Jim Jefferies.

No way it was Levy, Jim said this comic sold out his show.

Kevin Hart.

I'm gonna go with Doug Benson. Doug probably shunned him again when Jim asked to go on his podcast during his trip.

It's obviously some open micer, he would never fall out with someone who could help his career in even the most miniscule way.

"You know Louis and Gervais pretend like they don't even know who you are?"
"Nah, nah, that's okay, they're really busy. They forget things."

I think it's Jim Jefferies

Has to be him

Didn't he turn into a turbo-cuck these past years?

Yes, and extremely quickly. Not the moment he moved to L.A., not the moment he his kid was born, but starting from about Trump's election. Maybe a little before that, but he had at least some humor about it still then. The guy hasn't even tried to be funny about anything on social media since and his talk show is the current Daily Show but more yelling with an exaggerated Australian accent.

Used to be a huge fan and went to see him live a little before or during the turning point. He was pretty funny but has obviously exhausted his funny stories. I remember "cherry tomatoes make me feel like a giant" being a 10-minute story.

It was when he decided that believing in gun ownership made every American retarded.


What about Vic Henley? Weren't he and Jim friends?

Vic doesn't even have dates to plug let alone sell out



Even though OP said it was a comic, I'm gonna go with Joe Derosa.

Derosa probably was like what am I suppose to tell my LGBTQ+sdfsff friends about Jim?

I havent heard today's show yet, but my money is on Jay Mohr. He had a problem with Jay last time he was in LA, Jay completely no-showed on Jimmy when he was scheduled to do Mohr Stories. (That podcast has gone to complete shit, it's sad)

He and Jay have always had a bit of a rocky relationship, I know more than once he's snapped at Jay when he was in. And we all know Jay's history with burning bridges and generally being a fuck up.

Wasn't Jay Mohr one of the cunts that repeatedly stole material from Otto?

I don't know about "repeatedly," I know Otto blamed him for stealing "rocketing Yoo Hoo" as a euphemism for diarrhea, that's the only one Im aware of. It wasn't even exactly the same joke and really seemed like a silly thing to fight about. If anything it seemed more like an homage/nod to Otto, who Jay practically worshipped.

But Jay admits to stealing a joke for SNL in his book and there's the whole Bert Kreischer/Tracy Morgan story thing, so...who knows. I think everyone is a little too precious about some of this shit anyway.

I see.

Who were the other comics that stole from Otto along the years? Was Dane among them?

I can't remember. Im pretty sure he said Dice stole from him. Hard to say because Otto was such an influence on everyone and was around for so long.

Dice stole the dirty nursery rhymes from Otto. Some he created himself, but definitely the concept and some word for word were stolen.

How do you know Jim was pissed that amour blew him off?

He mentioned it on Jim & Sam. He was trying to be diplomatic about it but you could hear the seething rage in his voice. If there's one thing Jimmy hates, it's when you waste his time or fuck up his schedule. He's like Al Pacino in "Heat" like that.

Damn, I'd like to hear that clip if you could be a pal

I can't remember, it was from a while back. Im pretty sure it was around November or December of last year, when Jim was out here and then Sam came too.

Ah, well thanks!

I love Jay Mohr but I am with Jimmy if Jay no/showed. That's some bullshit.

Yeah it's weird and really irresponsible & shitty.

Jay didn't show up to his own podcast?

No he just totally ghosted on Jimmy, according to him. Didnt answer his texts or calls or anything.

the last time i listened to jay mohr he kept going on about some gay sounding tweets where he was getting mad at people for calling him out on saying that 25% of women are raped. he sounded really butt hurt about the exchange.

He's gotten really weird since this divorce thing. He seems like he's cracking up. His podcast is virtually unlistenable, it's like he's just asleep at the wheel now.

Bobby "The Whale" Kelly

This is probably it. Wasn't Bob the one who bailed out on a J & S appearance to get his sunroof fixed or some shit?

Bill Burr. Said he probably wouldn't do his podacast next time he's in LA.

Because burr doesn't have guests. I remember him saying.

Most of the time, he said.

I can't attest to this fact, however.

at what time does he start talking about this

Dunno. Not too long before I posted I guess

Tsss yeah what about specuearly or sumpthin



So many stupid way off guesses in here

"It was...george carlin!"

It's Kevin Brennan. He dissed Chip on Burning Bridges and Chip dissed Brennan on the last podacast.

Bet it's ck worm needs his Hollywood career

I don't think Jim and Patrice talk anymore

It's gotta be Bill Burr. The Cumia situation probably strained that relationship a bit too much.

And he didn't do the Patrice doc

Nobody did the patrice doc - it doesn't exist

Dave Smith.


Lauren wasn't on Chip's last podcast. Shinkel bout it.


I'm ashamed of myself for reading through about half of the comments here. Goddamn clucking hens. The whole lot of us!

It's Louis. He locked Jim in a room and forced him to watch him jack off.

Think about what you just said and all involved

I didn't hear the context, but I'd assume he's talking about someone who's way more famous than him. CK, Amy, or Kevin Hart

Wait, does Chris Destephano have a podcast?

CQ and Jimmy have always had an open love/hate relationship. I doubt it's him.

I hope it's Bobby he sucks

Clearly one of his female openers who turned down his hamfisted advances.

It's Jim Florentine

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Opie says he's been on the phone with him nonstop, just laughing and laughing.

Podacast or Jim and Sam?

But when was the fall out? Recently I take it.

I'm not saying it is Dan, I'm saying of that list he'd make more sense than Benson who is a bigger star than Jim or Big Jay who he doesn't like.

Patrice died you dunderhead

Yeah I think it's probably Doug Benson bc he mentioned the guy also had a podcast. Doug is the only one big enough to sell out and they've had problems scheduling him before.

Heard there was a twitter unfollow involved, it got ugly.

You missed Opie.

Woah woah woah. Pump the brakes, pal. The guy is dead.

I think he was actually howling, not laughing.

A comic with a podcast who sells out shows and they've had difficulty booking before is a fairly specific set of parameters.

He's gotten really weird since this divorce thing. He seems like he's cracking up. His podcast is virtually unlistenable, it's like he's just asleep at the wheel now.