PETITION to ban SaiyanzRage from this subreddit

249  2017-09-19 by BrianDisco

Just put this mush-mouth, clickbaiting zero out of his misery u/Saiyanzragechannel


You're gonna have to ban me too then. We'll make /r/brownopieandanthony

dont let the door hit you on the way out

you're getting a taliban

Come on guys, this place is about community. Sure we don't agree on everything but we're all the same - different. Don't ban SaiyansRage, ban I_Hate_Knickers

youll lacist

gord prease

He's a mush mouth who makes uninteresting videos but there's no need to ban him.

You just said exactly why he should be banned

Porsalin should fuck off too then.


I won't sign the petition. I love the guy.

Ban that cunt

He is poop

he doesn't need a ban, but his content most resembles a diaper

Ban and beat it spook

Hate this guy so much. Kick him.

At the very least, he should be forced to type with a lisp

Fuck that lying prick

I hate that this sub has people who's names we recognize.

well since the shows stink we had to start making our own entertainment

yes please

It's the worst when a video on YouTube looks interesting and then you realize it was that shitdick who uploaded it.

I disagree, I wish all audio on YouTube were recorded with wax paper and a comb.

Are you still in touch with the crazed one? If so, please say hi. He was my favourite.

crazed from ron and fez?

Yeah, when I did a podcast he called in a few times and we used to see him on Paltalk a lot.

When rob put him on air by himself that shit was so funny

I haven't heard from Seth in a long while. Hopefully he's okay.

Yeah me too. He seemed like a geniunely good person. Fuck the crazed haters!

SaiyanzRage makes Joyomi look like Carlin in his prime. He is a useless cunt.

Wuh wuh happened?

Oh dear


He will only go stronger once you strike him down.


  1. He's unfunny

  2. He's black.

Ban please

I recommend putting your most important point on top of the list next time.

we call that a 'Sherrod'

I'm a fair man so I'll need proof of his blackness before we prosecute him.

He's black??

Like goth black or what?

I've never seen a black anime nerd in the wild before

Who would Batman be without the Joker. This Saiyanz fella seems like a fine foil for Stinks.

  1. Saiyan

  2. Hitler

Does not the fire need the water

im in. he's a fag !

it sets an awkward precedent if we permit even one of those people to be around

i had no idea this lisping anime loving nigger even existed. jesus christ, he's like a living ad for The Bell Curve.

More like the taco bell curve...tssss tsss

Blow your nose before you speak, hopefully with a firearm of some sort.

Haha new version.

Bop - Now its mine!

Who the fuck is saiyanzrage

a black guy obsessed with Dragonball Z, huge surprise.

Who? You faggots spend too much time on here.

Why are you here?

I hear if you put them near death, they come back stronger. Be careful!

He's always shitting on the sub in his fag vids

Sam's Rage is a real crumbumb

Very nice sir, very good. Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?

I must have put him on ignore a long time ago because I've never even heard of him.

I told you you fags would ruin everything with your being fags.

Wait are you that stupid brink person? Fuck off. Go look for a fanbase somewhere else you youtube piece of stupid shit.

Tss look at that guys username. I hope he gets shot

He should be banned from existence.

if you actually know anyone else name on this sub, remember it & then post about them you're a faggot who cares.

Says the guy who tried so hard to come up with a clever name. You should change it to ShitDick.

it involved no effort, you're a fag & i hope ur mom gets raped


Is he nigger? Because I am. I hate niggers. They ruin everything.

But this guy uploads videos from The AA show that I dont have to pay for

youll lacist

I recommend putting your most important point on top of the list next time.

we call that a 'Sherrod'

I'm a fair man so I'll need proof of his blackness before we prosecute him.

it involved no effort, you're a fag & i hope ur mom gets raped

He's black??

Like goth black or what?

I've never seen a black anime nerd in the wild before

More like the taco bell curve...tssss tsss