Carl Ruiz's woman is a pleasant faced 5 and a half but she has giant, back pain inducing tits. No wonder the spic cook is drawn to Opie, he's clearly a tit man.

5  2017-09-18 by McGowan9


I won't lie, I'd like a few minutes alone with those funbags.

it must suck knowig your pop up videos get less views than isis beheadings

It most suck knowing people hope your pop-up shows end the same way as an ISIS beheading video

Damn I bet she has some great fat titty nipples

Oh nothing better than a cute faced wop with obese mams......... She is a 9 in my book.

She can cook you some great sketti meatball marinara too I bet. Carl did real well I'd say

Seriously! Ginormous boobs on a petite body, that's a keeper.

She is attractive. Way hotter than lauren

25 minutes long. I mean, do people actually watch this shit?

What is it even? How is it a show? It's like an unedited vlog. Just someone pointing a phone at people and making people uncomfortable. If they all were normal people eating it would be some sort of minimal slow television thing. But it's just a fat titted retards with people he pays to hang out with.

It's fucking 2017. Stop using your 10-year-old Flip camera to record 360p videos, you fucking twat.

Vic Henley looks like Stewart from mad tv