Toilet camera stalker and all-round redundant creep continues to bemoan his firing. Sad!

34  2017-09-18 by McGowan9



The irrevocable reality of Opie's situation is slowly taking hold, he will never get paid a fraction of what he used to make ever again. His dalliance as a nationally known media personality is over.

Shouldnt be too long before his cost of living catches up and actually has to sell off some shit.

Management loves the new direction of the show, Opie.

With all the fun with Brother Joe and Materise, I couldn't give a care.

yeah I forgot about Opie. why'd this fuck have to remind me

Laughing at Samcro Joe is funny this is just boring and depressing.

One cancellation every two weeks, that really shows them.

“Thank you” as if Greggory is directly benefitting

Opie kept collecting paychecks from Sirius for 3 years after Anthony was fired ... he should be thankful, not angry

It took him 2+ months to cancel? He's just broke, not a supporter.

Man even the Opie threads on this sub are gaining no traction. He's not even interesting as a punching bag anymore. He really has become irrelevant.

Opie us like the 20 something still going on about how he hates school.

This is becoming a problem. Half this sub is bashing Opie. But you can't bash him if he's doing nothing.