Now that this show is destroyed, what can come from the wreckage? Dream show host combinations, anyone?

0  2017-09-18 by TonyZero

Ron, Dave, Anthony

Dan, Luis, Bill and Bill Burr

Robert, Luis, Joe Darosa (wouldn't last long)


u/TonyZero & Kratom

LOUD RADIO!!! WITH Kevin Brennan, Judy Gold, and Gilbert Gottfried

Ron, Soder, Anthony. Produced by Luis

Soder gets a lot of hate, but man...listen to the Bonfire guys. I hated Opie and Anthony at first, especially when a caller said they were better than Stern, but then I heard Anthony doing voices and all the great comedians sitting in...

Give the Bonfire a chance guyz.

Better than Sam Roberts.

I was a big Bonfire guy. Then Big Jay Bitch tits went off a cliff. Seemed around the same time Christine wouldn't leave joined the show. Now Jay stinks on every show.

Comedy is always hit and miss, but Bonfire hits more often than most right now.

I miss the days before Ant started using social media. Turned him into what he seemed to hate back in the day. Remember when they made fun of ManCow?

scorch and colin