Do any of you actually live on Long Island?

8  2017-09-18 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Some of my favorite bits were the guys(particularly with Colin) talking shit about LI. They made it sound like such a magical shit hole.


I live on small island

What about... uh... hold on... fawken, not so long island or sumthin?

or bong island. fuck yeah.

Ciggy break sock cucka

Grew up there. Parts are like a very expensive trailer park. There are many cumia types. Generally good looking women.

Parts are like a very expensive trailer park.

A good description.

I saw more riced-out Dodge Neons than i could ever remember.
Decent looking women, but wearing PINK or Juicy sweatpants (that they are muffin-topping out of) and Uggs.
Guys who think a wife beater is classy if you wear a chain with it that grandma bought you.
they think making 800 gallons of tomato sauce in your driveway is hygienic.

I refuse any tomato sauce that isn't prepared in places where one would synthesize meth

My longest term relationship lived there and I visited a lot. She was from one of the ritzy parts though. Went to high school with Natalie Portman. So I can't really comment on any of the peasantry that goes on there sorry.


No one "lives" on LI, they just get by

Unless you are on the North Coast (think Gatsby mansions) or in one of the better parts of the Hamptons, all the rest is shitty strip malls, low-class white garbage in ranch houses, and MS13 gangs.

I live in Oyster Bay, never locked my doors once.

Said the same about Syosset. Which you know is in TOBAY.

THe town and the hamlet are very different. Never saw hotter Indian girls or Jewish girls than from Syosset

Locust Valley here lol

Low class valley

yeha...only check the property values.

I don't but my girlfriend is from there. They're all kind of right wing drunks like Anthony Cumia, but without the semblance of intellectual prowess. They're all very "God" oriented and casually racist too. Anthony is a pretty accurate depiction of the population of that island actually. I don't hate it there though, it's got a pretty fun beach culture feel to it and it's close enough to NY that on any given night you can swing by the Comedy Cellar and see Colin Quinn or Dave Attell do 45 minutes of fresh material for $20.


You got the god thing wrong. The racism yes, God thing not so much. Where is your girlfriend from?


Just saying


I lived in Riverhead for 2 years. The cocaine was descent. Shelter Island is pretty cool.

descent wuts the cocaine droppin on you from the sky or sumtin tss


Shelter Island is a great place to spend time in the summer. But it's desolate in the winter only a small amount of people live on it year round. My parents have owned a summer house there '80. While the rest of LI goes to hell in many ways, that place has managed to stay a nice quiet place to escape to without the Hamptons noise and trash. The residents were smart enough to never build a bridge which goes along way to keeping the riffraff out.

Long Island is a place where a hobbit like Billy Joel can become an icon of manliness.

I lived there when I was very young. I was one of the lucky ones... many people who plant roots too deep never leave that island. Pretty much, if you stay past 8th grade you'll never get off the island.

I still have family there, cousins and aunts/uncles in Nassau County (closest to Queens). That's a pretty diverse mix of people & neighborhoods. No cities there, just towns and villages. Once you get out east into Suffolk county, it's almost all red state. I went to the Calverton range in October before the election last year and there were Trump signs everywhere.

Why do you think there are so many conservatives on LI versus NY being so blue?

Jews and imported democratic voting blocs like PRs etc

No but I have a LONG ISLAND in my kitchen. I'm just kidding guys, I know you're talking about the place, not the furnishing, but you have to admit, you can't make this stuff up, the language is crazy, right?

I grew up in Syosset. It was pretty Jewy, but not too bad. Never really had to lock our doors and I was basically the only nigger in town. Good times.

Yes. Everyone thinks they are important. Best move is to lay low while here and spend as much time in the city as possible.


lived in long beach for many years


I hear its magical-nyc prices (and taxes) for alabama quality of life. The woman are a lovely mix of jew,wop,?,with ancestors from coalburnistan. Everything you need to know about l.i. is written on billy joels ancient simian face...

Glen Cove is where the magic is.

Ya got the shithole right.

Do you like niggers and kikes,you'll love Long Island.