Reminder: People would log onto Pal Talk for a close-up view of Anthony's face

2  2017-09-18 by Single_Action_Army

I thought only astronauts explored craters.


Ant would log on to Pal Talk with the hopes of seeing minors expose themselves.

This is why everyone else was actually using it too. OP is a sweet innocent boy.

I'm just a sweater-boy cutie

Was that actually going on?

Not minors. Mid 20s attention whores.

I remember them talking about that. I wouldn't be shocked if a few 12 year olds were doing it too.

12 year olds listening to shock jocks?

I enjoyed it for getting to hear tits' lies and hypocrisy exposed.

That was 10 years ago and in 240p.

Not minors. Mid 20s attention whores.