Enjoy sock cuckas

4  2017-09-18 by ScorzeMan


Stars! They're just like us!

I hate everything.

Idk how that show won an Emmy. I've watched it and it's alright. But much of the dialogue is forced. Watch it after smoking weed and you feel like you're on the set watching amateurs act.

The Emmy's decided to go "diverse" this year to avoid being labelled racist and misogynistic like the Oscars. So a lot of cunts, chinks, niggers, spics, camel jockeys, dykes and fags won awards they really shouldn't have because 2017 and Trump.

Drumf! We sure showed him!

Sir, it's atrocious.

Who's the coal burner?

I think they're called curry pots.

When have the emmys not been a joke? How many emmys did the wire get?

Anyone else find it funny that in the worst era of SNL in history they're churning out awards? Baldwin got one for nothing but cold opens? Heh.

McKinnon is funny, the show still puts out funny content, but its a goddamn coinflip each skit between funny and cringey.

McKinnon is funny

The lesbian who sang the Leonard Cohen song to lament Hillarys loss?

Heh, you've got me there. The can be surprisingly unfunny at times, but can be incredibly funny as well. Her scenes as Ruth Bader Ginsburg are as bad as her scenes as Jeff Sessions are good. Her scenes as Justin Bieber make me laugh as hard as the box office results or Ghostbusters.

I have to take your word for it, every time i've seen anything with her she has been the opposite of funny.

Bobby Moynihan is a funny guy though.

Rewatching the episodes before the election proves why she lost. Kate nails HRC as an entitled bitch who's not taking the process seriously. Whereas the writers thought this would come across as smug and funny when the election was over it is funny for unintended reasons.


Her old Russian broad is great.

"that's where my IT guy went!-been missing for weeks." his speech was very moving,telling his homeland to, "POO IN THE LOO!!!!"

I think this is the same guy who took a shit on my deck.

I thought those people didn't eat cows?