REMINDER: The Cumia clan are Libyans masquerading as trashy Italians from Long Island

44  2017-09-18 by disawayisthrows

Even among Sicilians, arguably the darkest of all pseudo-white people, they don't fit in. Brother Yussuf and Ant both resemble incompetent ne'er do well terrorists straight out of Homeland, and Dawn looks like she could be a tribal elder living in some shithole village in Qatar.

This is an Italian guy, these men are Libyan.


eh I liked the Tunisian spin better.

Tunisians spit on Libyans. Antuni is a Libyan.

The Qumiyyah clan are nomadic Berber from the Libya-Tunesia border region, maybe that is were the confusion stems from...

This. The Qumiy'yaaa clan only recently migrated to Southern Europe. This can't be forgotten.

Antuni and Yussuf are not white men, yet constantly take credit for creating traditional white men things.

Anthony looks like the old goalie for the Colombian national team who did that crazy scorpion kick save back in the day...


I don't know, do you think Armenians are full blown middle eastern people? I sure as shit do.

Actually Qatar had a pretty incredible upper class since the middle class doesn't exist. I think Anthony would do pretty well there

self hating libyan?


I'm Italian, born in Italy, moved back to Italy a few years back. This whole country is much fairer skinned than people in America realize.
Cumia is definitely middle eastern.

My family is originally from Lombardy.

We're about as white as it gets, all the men in the family have blonde hair blue eyes. Cumin is Sicilian Arab trash.