His face looks like it's melting.

28  2017-09-18 by RBuddCumia


His cheek looks like a fat girls ass

Ol' cellulite cheeks Cumia

Ole Silly Putty Face Cumia.

I told him not to open the Ark of the Covenant.

Jesus fucking Christ, what a horrifying face.

He needs to regrow the mustache and try for a beard too. And I don't mean that blonde he shows on his twitter account always playing video games at the compound.

I think he lost all of his facial hair follicles when the town's parents burned him alive.


Maybe it is melting. Schinkel bout it.

Gimme de fuckin gabagool

& he's seig heil'ing

Its a wopographic map

Ol Clayface Cumia

Seriously what the fuck happened to his face? About 10 years ago he looked reasonably normal. I've never seen anybody Ant's age with skin that looks like that

About ten years ago he looked his age and had facial hair. Trying to fuck preteens, he decided to try and make himself look younger, resulting in this mess here.

alcohol abuse really drys you out

Odo at hour 15

i think his skin and hair look great. psyche, i actually think that his skin and hair look terrible.

He looks like he's 20 years into a buckshot accident recovery.

He reminds me of Clayface from the 90s Batman cartoon

Im pretty sure his face played as the Necronomicon in The Evil Dead

Ole Plaster of Paris cheeks

Shit, video compression saw his pockmarks as an artifact and smoothed them down.

Good call, MPEG, good call.

Ol' cellulite cheeks Cumia