Reminder: Ant pretends that the name 'Tranpa' comes from him being friends with Bailey Jay when we know that really its's cos he gobbled Sue's goo

132  2017-09-17 by fingerofgawd


Why did we brush over the tweet where he was forced to choose sue because Rihanna was the alternative?

That was excellent chess

My favourite part of that was how he referred to Sue as "the trans" like he has no idea who she was. That whole debacle traumatized the old man so much that he won't even acknowledge anything happened now.

Poor fella, can't a lady with a he-pussy find love in this great big world?

The term is boipucci.

Lol, it's SO obvious Ant fucked Sue. Why even deny it at this point?

because he thinks traps are gay

Every time he hunches over Sue he imagines his whole Sicilian lineage standing behind him looking at what he's about to do.

So him coming clean and admitting what he's done would mean the ghosts of his grandfathers would find out, unthinkable to him. Which is why we see him twisting himself into pretzels, taking 10 minutes to deny these accusations rather than 10 seconds.

No straight man turns down Rihanna over a tranny.

No matter how racist you are.

I'm not racist or gay but I'm gonna back Ant up on this one.

Sue has a better face, body (below the boobs anyways lol), and personality, and from behind (nsfw) she's top tier.

You gay

Basically the only people who would think that's gay are closeted homos who are trying to prove how straight they are by overcompensating

Because I think having sex with a man is gay?

If you call that a man then you're trying too hard

Oh ok, so we're doing the Norton bit and pretending these mentally ill dudes are attractive ladies. Gotcha

Transgederism is a mental illness, but there's still more to sex/gender than chromosomes.

And Norton is a hack


You're 100% gay

you lost it there, faggot.

If you call that a woman you are kidding yourself. It is a man. Some long hair and tits does not change that. If you want to stick your dick in that, you want to fuck a man.

I have long hair and tits, maybe I can be a woman as well.

You're incredibly gay if you think banging Sue up the ass with her dangling ballsack swaying back and forth is the same thing as fucking a woman.

The giant hanging nut sack is super straight

Those balls dangling there makes it pretty fucking gay you know.

Thas wa u gay

It's a fucking GUY!!!! You are gay if you choose a man over a woman.

You cannot spin this any other way, man!

His racism turned him into a faggot.

This is like South Park logic. "If we all become gay, we can't reproduce and create more gay people".

He's either a closet gay guy or an amazing troll.

I mean, I don't think Rihanna is attractive anymore anyway, but I'd much rather fuck her than a tranny.

Life ain't easy when you fuck a boy named Sue.

Sounds like a Neil Diamond song

Good one

Damn she makes him look a lot older just standing by him. Ant must cry looking in mirror at his hair thinking i used to have head covered with thick nigger wool

To be fair, with the amount of money he's made in his life, he probably doesn't care how bad his face is.

You don't think it was money well spent him having his pubes and leg hair stapled to his head?

I'm sure that "friendship" was strictly platonic.

This picture of Ant and his tiny, expensive teeth never ceases to infuriate me.

I think at this point Anthony has had more cosmetic surgery than Bailey Jay.

too bad Bailey doesn't get hair plugs like Ant

He had his cheeks scooped out with a butter knife multiple times.

Gimme dat crater look

Why are we so sure he's not also in love with Bailey Jay? Look how happy and excited he is

I'd fuck Bryan's mouth


tfw no gf (bf)

It's so thick from the hormone treatment, it's like taffy. He likes stretching it out from her urethra.

You're a fag if you wouldn't let Bailey Jay milk your pud

I'm not gay but Sue LIGHTNING looks better than any black girl.

You are a homosexual, mister.

A rasist homosexual.

Oh yeah, you are

He really looks like that old pedophile from Family Guy.

When the Sue Lightning thing first happened and everyone was accusing him of having sex with a lady who happens to have a penis, I 100% took that as a joke, and thought that anyone who actually assumes Ant sucks transexual cock because he has some vague affiliation with Sue Lightning was a presumptuous idiot.

But Ant's lie about the origin of "Tranpa" made me do a complete 180 and now I absolutely believe he fucked Sue. The bailey Jay thing is such a colossal load of shite theres no way he actually believes that, this sub literally never mentions Bailey Jay, and if he has no problem admitting that he's "just friends" with a trans person, why not tell the truth and say "they call me tranpa because i'm 'just friends' with sue lightning?"

Cause they weren't 'just friends', and ole count wopula NEEDS to hide anything and everything connecting him to Ms. Lightning and her rod.

he wanted lil sue to be a girl SOOO BADDD he thought that if he hung around him enough hed convince himself that he was a she so he wouldnt feel guilty fucking it.

Honest Ant LOL

If you call that a man then you're trying too hard

too bad Bailey doesn't get hair plugs like Ant

He had his cheeks scooped out with a butter knife multiple times.

Gimme dat crater look