Joe Rogan is so fucking annoying

9  2017-09-17 by CheesyMouseDisaster

Every sweaty breathe that oozes out of the mouth of this fuckin grown-ape-man makes me wish I had tried harder in life.

Its almost like I can taste the salt of the sweat running off the top of his tan, ape skin head, and lick it up, just to feel stupid for fun.

If I saw him in an elevator, I would charge the carriage before the door closes, let it move up a bit, then hit the emergency stop, and try to undo his zipper so that I can suck the sweat off of the bottom of his tan balls, just to make him cum in a weird way, and change his emotions.


tss... tell us how you really feel!!

Take comfort in the fact that he's 5ft 2 ans it bothers him to no end

He's 5'8"



I don't like the depiction of him at the beginning of the show. Where he's all wide-eyed and crazy looking with the "HELLO FREAK BITCHEZ" in the background. Yuck

Makes my skin crawl.


Tl:Dr I hate joe Rogan.. Enough to suck his cock.

We have a lot of drunks on this sub don't we?