I went to see Vic Henley last night and he started doing Chip, but he called the character Vic Vickerson

68  2017-09-17 by Suibu

It was the strangest thing


Did that really happen?

We'll have to find the one other guy who showed up to corroborate this story.

100% correct based on this info.

why isn't SNN all over this?

The only news resource actively on AZT.

Please, please tell me you are kidding and he didn't try to steal Chip. Has Jim been notified yet of Vic Vickerson?

I think vic vickerson has a podcast on the Gilgore network.

He doesnt need the character, he still has the record of most amount of time listened (all those horrible opie and jim appearances) and never making me laugh.

Hes what would happen if chip was a real human being, a horribly sad "comedian" torturing people 10 at a time on shitty small clubs

My mudder said "If God wanted paralyzed people to feel good, he'd send down the angels to suck their peckas, Chippa."

I went to see Vic Henley last night and he started doing Chip, but he called the character Vic Henley

Doing bad redneck jokes? No, that's just his act

TBH, I like Vic Vickerson better. About time we had a breathe of fresh air in the comedy world

I'm Vic Vickerson and in case you didn't know, I'm an aging homo, and I'm just not hilarious.

Dvv dvt dvv dvv vvvt

What's this from? Context?

It is the phonetic representation of the "guitar riff" noise that chip does, specifically at the beginning of his chip cartoon intro. See here (just the first 3 seconds, no need to watch the rest). Sorry you are getting downvoted for not knowing DVV DVVT. Peckahs.

Thanks. It's a horrible phonetic representation but I guess that makes sense

Welp I didn't invent it, I just follow it as the preferred nomenclature, man.

Were you going to pick up some meat?

100% correct based on this info.

Dvv dvt dvv dvv vvvt

What's this from? Context?