Anyone see "Mother!" this weekend?

7  2017-09-17 by OsloJimmy


If you mean your mother and if by "see" you mean "slowly hammer 5lbs of rusty WW2 shrapnel into the clitoris of" then yes, several hundred of us did see Mother this weekend.

I thought I tasted shrapnel.

You'd think random pieces of scrap iron from a junkyard would be easier to come by and cheaper than WW2 shrapnel.

But the heart wants what the heart wants.

Yeah, I watched "Mother" a fascinating documentary on William W. McGuire and his extensive study of moths.

Why waste your time and money on the supposed worst movie of the century?

Watching terrible shit is fun sometimes. I'll watch it on Netflix.

I might tune in if it comes to Netflix, for a minute.

Just a taste?

You got it my friend

An assault on Christianity by (((Darren Aronofsky)))? I'll pass.

fun fact: a young, drunk, coked-up, unknown (and, as time would tell, prophetic) Artie Lange bullied and berated Aronofsky at some NYC party, calling him, among other things, an "art school faggot"

Artie proceeded to stuff Aronofsky into a locker, walk to St. Louis, and steal a canoe.

And Artie didn't remember until he auditioned for The Wrestler.

Where we at with the Wass?

Isn't this what Travis said?

I liked it. Who wouldn't want to see Jennifer Lawrence get the shit beaten out of her?

In a see through top

Yes, me and the girl went last night. I was kind of suffering from PTSD for about 30 minutes afterwards. Not because of the baby eating scene, but that whole militaristic battle scene in the house. There was so much fucking going on it overloaded my senses. Other than that, it was nowhere near as good as it was hyped up to be. As you were watching and as it finished, I had no idea what the movie was about. If you have to google the meaning of a movie after just seeing, I'd say it was a failure

You're not the only one who would say that; they're calling it literally "the worst movie of the century."

For some reason we are getting downvoted. Weird. Anyway, don't waste your money on this movie. Sure, it all makes sense after you google the meaning of it, but I'm not a religious guy in any way, and even if you were, it's still wouldn't make sense while you're watching it.

There seems to be some r/movies type fag that downvotes almost anything negative anyone says about movies that are in theaters right now, it's really weird.

I never liked Aaronofsky much anyway, I had no plans to see this. I haven't seen anything of his since The Wrestler. (Which I loved) Nothing else he's done has interested me since.

Worst movie of the century is preposterous. The cast is great. It's beautifully photographed. The attention to detail is impeccable. An allegorical art movie with this high of a pre-release profile was destined to take a black eye in the short term, and receive such censure. Long term this film will be fine and dandy, with pretentious snobs dissecting it forever.

Here's one from the century off the top of my head that is objectively inferior in every aspect and category to mother! (though may someday become a cult phenomenon):

It's an allegory for climate change.

What a surprise another shit film overhyped by faggots.

I was going to, but then I read how the whole film was an allegory for climate change, femenim, and the Bible and decided not to subject myself to such faggotry. It also got an F cinemascore which is pretty rare these days.

It's a pretty nutty film that could be interpreted a half dozen different ways. Stunned that a major studio made it - they've become such gigantic pussies about doing anything remotely alienating or subversive. It's aa hard film to enjoy in conventional viewing terms. Needless to say, essential viewing if you like weird shit. The story doesn't work as well as Aronofsky's best films, but he still makes it a potent, memorable experience.

The film is nuts and can be interpreted a half dozen different ways. The dominant themes are consistent with the director's body of work, though. While not an enjoyable or entertaining cinematic experience, it's still a worthwhile one if you're receptive to witnessing an auteur with an uncompromising, personalized vision. When this kind of filmmaking works, you wind up with Kubrick's milestones. I'm encouraged there's still guys like Aronofsky attempting to reach such heights within the studio system that's rendered contemporary popcorn fare so safe, bland, and sanitized.

I saw it. Best part was the Randy "The Ram" Robinson cameo.