You're forced to do 50 episodes of a podcast with Bert Kreischer, Sherrod Small or Joe Matarese. Who do you pick?

9  2017-09-17 by TinKnockinMoroccan


Unless suicide is an option, Matarese. So at least my self esteem would sky rocket being around that pathetic piece of shit.

Suicide is not an option. You resurrect and have to start over from zero again. And an additional shirtless Bert is added to the podcast for every episode you didn't complete.

I want to be locked in a small closet with 5 shirtless berts

Sherrod. We would drink hennessey while he fake laughed at my jokes and maybe i would straddle his stupid tongue

That tongue is so long and fat you'd make the sounds of a dying rhino.

I don't think I know exactly who Joe Matarese is so I'll go with that one

I don't know who Bert is so that's why I am choosing him.

You're in for a pretty fucking bad surprise then

Sherrod. Since I can't understand his babbling anyway I can just tune it out like white noise (yes ironic name)

Bert hands down

Dr Steve and pray for death

Bert. You can and are encouraged to drink during.

Not during Sober Octobert.

I'll start in November

Bert because he'll bring the titos

Matarese, easy. He's just stupid and full of shit but at least he's not annoying. The other two would drive me to murder them in an hour.

Bert all day.

Oh, Sherrod, easily. He's hilarious, low-key, and normal looking.

sir I think you're lying

Joe materese, because no one would hear it.

I'd go to Joe first,eat all his speed. Then onto Berts drink all his beer.Then piss all over the seats in the cellar men's room keeping Sherrod employed.

I'd go with Joe. He is dumb. The other two are more annoying. You can deal with a dumb guy easier than annoying people.

I'd pick Sherrod. At least I could tell him what I really think of him. (it would be rude, oh boy!)

Materese. He would hate me after one but there would still be 49 more to go

Joe Materese just so I could Porsalin's impression all day to him.

Bert but I'll trash him and call him fat

Bert is probably the most tolerable out of the bunch.

Truly a rouge's gallery

Bert. I love that "no shirt" bit he does.