Breaking news. Black man cheats on his woman.

72  2017-09-17 by Dennyislife


What's the deal? Is he getting blackmailed?

Sounds like it

tss tss yea and Bill Burrs getting whitemailed or sumptin ttsss

Normand, yore good

yo, that was some funny shiet

Tsss let me try. Bobby Lee what is he getting yellowmailed or sumptin tsss. I can do this all day.

more like black femaled sock cucka

Someone is shopping a sex tape around. They filmed him at a party.

Considering he's 5'2" with a foot long sauseech, I'm sure he won't be too upset.

wouldn't it be hilarious if by 2019 Opie and Anthony end up back together and all these guys that used to be regulars like Louis CK, Kevin Hart, Amy Schumer all end up back to promote stuff. Almost like the end of seinfeld


How hard is it not to cheat, really? I mean if it's something you genuinely don't want to do. If you truly want to be a faithful and loyal husband, you wouldn't put yourself in the position to cheat.

Stop pretending you're making mistakes or struggling with a problem. You just want to fuck more than one woman but you're too much of a pussy to be honest and say you want an open relationship.

niggers brains can't comprehend that some stuff is just universally considered bad.

its why they don't understand why looting is bad or why they shouldn't attack cops. To niggers we have laws aganist rape in this country because we hate niggers, not because people hate rape.

To niggers the only reason we have laws is because we want to keep negroes down. While to most normal people we have stuff like laws and morals because its what helps society be good.

Same thing with cheating, white men are the only people that give a shit. women will cheat if they can be convinced which is absurdly easy because women are fucking stupid. They legitimately think clubs are for dancing not a place people go to find someone to fuck.

women will hate you if they found out you did cheat, but that won't stop them from fucking you anyway. overall loyalty is just a sham. if you want loyalty get a pet.

Shouldn't you be telling people you're not a pedophile?

the main point of that comment was that only idiots like white men think cheating is a big deal, women pretend to but will forgive and forget pretty quickly, does that sound like a joe comment? wipe that cocoa butter from your eyes and reread my comment dumbass

You're not fooling anyone, Joe.

Lol if you dont think black women wouldnt tear a black guys ass up for cheating. Black women and ant have one thing in common. They both love to shit on male nigs

My black coworker cheated on his black gf and she took him back almost immediately. The only revenge she took wqs baking him brownies with tons of cayanne pepper and hot sauce in them

Hahahaha, that does not sound appetizing at all!

What are you buy with your winnings from small claims court?

There's no humor in that, at all. Just hate

wassup babe u wanna get zooted n suck my pecka??

You know it's only rub-and-tug. It's always been run-and-tug

aw babe you keep on with that talk and there's gonna be a bunch of cream cheese in my underpants n shiznit

That's the bit!

I'm glad you shared that with us, you fucking retard.

Even still, I don't know how it got over 30 downvotes on this sub. I think we got brigaded.

Muh dik

Oh come on. Easy to say till you are rich and famous. I bet trump was right. They just come up to you.....

Kevin Hart has been a pussy hound since day one, being rich and famous just makes it easier for him.

Also according to Patrice Kevin has a huge dick. Patrice talked about it on that ep where they talk about him catching Patrice jerking it kevins house

Short black guys have peckahs bigger than Joe Rogan.

There's gotta be an extra level of temptation when you're like 4'11 and probably ignored by women before cashing in.

Big Jay told stories about Kevin needing sex every day on the road where if he couldn't find a groupie he had to get a hooker after the show.

Somebody as rich as Kevin could hire team of personal pussy swatters if he was serious about not cheating. If you have the resources to fuck lots of groupies, you also have the resources not to fuck them. If you don't want to of course.

You're making a stupid argument I think.

I'm just saying, cheaters only cheat because they want to.

if you have a sex addiction, go to counseling.

Kevin must be a huge fan of alimony, apparently.

Didnt he get married like last month?

They fornicate like rabbits

Yeah its a rough one i can't say anything i have done same with girlfriends. I know what its like -- Jim Norton 9/18/17

I've known Kevin for long time have met his wife she is very nice i just hope they can work it out - Jim Norton 9/18/17

Is it cheating if the person you cheated with doesn't have a vagina?

Think that falls under "Only if you push back" rule

My mother used to say they're very fertile people, chippah

The dumbest and most violent among us reproduce the most often. This is why civilization is doomed.


I saw this coming. Whoo Kid always posts video of Kevin at his crazy ass ho parties. Mayter of time somebody got they dick wet tho


Oh, that's strange. They're not typically known for that, are they?

Actually that's kind of a trope for black men.

You should murder yourself for saying "trope".

I'm already drinking myself to death


Oh yeah? You are!


He is just sorry because he got caught.

id like to interrupt this boring baloney with a fun fact, bill burr and gregg "spuds" hughes both have children that arent theirs.


The black guy on people's court would never do this

He's a saint.

on ert...

Douglas. He once had a tryout with the New England Patriots. Defensive back, I believe.

More like Kevin No Heart fuk yeah

nigs gotta nig

The most important thing is that he forgave himself.

Yes. It took a lot of guts.

My baby did nuffin to nobody

Thats truth fam.


Nick Dapaologize

Ahh, the good ol' days

Every guy needs some strange, should be allowed in marriage.

I'm not perfect and I never claimed to be

Don't you hate people who say this shit?

Or "only God can judge me".

Tupac said it in a wrap lyric, he ded now. Anyone else who says it is a stupid hack.

The worst is when white people get it tattooed.

tss wrap lyric, what's it a song about presents?

shit, I deserve a chippin' after a dumb ass typo like that. autocorrect on my phone I guess.

God damn I wish Patrice was still around to see this unfold. Kevin using all of the elaborate language to dance around what he really did and spin it into some faux self-help diatribe. No comedian should allow himself to act like this, way too phony.

Acting like he needs to issue an apology as if he was a pro athlete. The tells dick jokes for a living.

He's doing family movies now though.

If he had a Disney film in the works, he might have lost out on a nice payday. I personally dont care if he is a cheater or not. Never gave much thought if he was out whoring. Sucks for his kid though.

Im sure this will be the whole " We are going into family counseling" damage control.

Didnt he like JUST get married last year?

His wife being pregnant is the main thing.

His bank account is flashing before his eyes.

Kevin did not follow the Patrice side piece 101 instructions. Now he'll pay and learn the hard way.

hes thrilled to be making this 'announcement'. pleased that people are paying attention to him for something important

I had to press play and hear his voice before I knew which famous black man this is. Does that make me a racist?

Makes you a retard

He got Oprah on speed dial.

He should take the girl to people's court

Extortion is a real crime. She's going to big girl jail.


First Usher with the herpes, now Kevin Hart. What will Oprah and Ellen do now? Can they have them back on their shows?

This is his funniest set ever.

Wait...white people don't cheat now?

Nah we come up with shit like open relationship or relationship fluid.

Kevin has to be more like DiCaprio. Will be a Certified bachelor pumping and dumping models till he is in the grave

Actually, Black woman wins Lottery.


"Hey I never said I was perfect". Does that mean it's her fault? lol. At least you know it's honest when you don't apologize to the person you hurt but to complete strangers to get attention and support.

A man is only as faithful as his options. He just finally got caught. Occupational hazard. hope he doesn't get taken to the cleaners.

Tupac said it in a wrap lyric, he ded now. Anyone else who says it is a stupid hack.

Also according to Patrice Kevin has a huge dick. Patrice talked about it on that ep where they talk about him catching Patrice jerking it kevins house

There's gotta be an extra level of temptation when you're like 4'11 and probably ignored by women before cashing in.

Big Jay told stories about Kevin needing sex every day on the road where if he couldn't find a groupie he had to get a hooker after the show.

Think that falls under "Only if you push back" rule

Considering he's 5'2" with a foot long sauseech, I'm sure he won't be too upset.

Even still, I don't know how it got over 30 downvotes on this sub. I think we got brigaded.


shit, I deserve a chippin' after a dumb ass typo like that. autocorrect on my phone I guess.