Unpopular Opinion: I wish another retard would fuck up. Joe isn't doing it for me, anymore.

8  2017-09-17 by naziniggerfaggot

Sarry, guys. Sarry.


let the nationally broadcast pedo allegations simmer

Agreed, there's only so many things you can say about Joe because he's a boring, failed, uninteresting person

SAMCRO, parasite, loser, pedophile, racist, degenerate, faggot, idiot, moron, criminal, nigger, there's only so many insults

There's always Opie

Its only been three days since his best performance/embarrassment

I know. I loved it, but i'm all tuckered out f5ing the sub.

Speaking of F5ing.

Finger of God

Don't worry, another clown is always waiting in the wings. There's a lot of stuff to come down the pike, Opie's continued unemployment, Matarese teetering on the brink of sanity, that blind item about the radio host being under investigation for underage relationships...

I really hope that radio host is Elvis Duran.

when opie finally gets a terrestrial job, it'll be the gift that keeps on giving. he can't NOT take callers.

The sub will have to pin a topic on number spoofing, timetables and tactics.

We've got a selection of 'Joe's (Cumia, Materese, Derosa, Rogan?), if that aint enough for you, I dunno what to say brah

holy shit, you're right.

Well, if they are doing an investigation of whatever, something might come up soon. You did hear about that investigation, right?

Here's my question: is it possible they already investigated if Joe (and maybe Ant) was diddling the kid? I know this sounds faggy, but I worry about her.