Joe Rogan Experience Fight Companion - Jim Norton & Eddie Bravo

5  2017-09-17 by beavvv


This might work, maybe.

Still hasn't fucking started

did i tune in right in time, its on now

Ahh got it now.

Aren't like, chemtrails, just a plot by the government to get us to eat tranny cum loads?

i would have liked to hear jim with shaub and bryan just to see how they all get along

why does jim pretend to be an mma expert?

his management is affiliated with the company that bought ufc

he actually said (not exact quote) " mat is the mma guy, im like the every man" when eddie asked him

Nothing like some middle of the road jimmy to get ready for a fight.

prediction, Jimmy is gonna be whining on Monday morning about how tired he is.

Jim Norton had to wait an hour to urinate because someone smoked marijuana in the bathroom.

Ugh, I was wondering what they were talking about.

Jim's fighting analysis is on par with any fucking guy at a sports bar

Jim sucks on this.

Jim talking about fighting is just as inappropriate as Anthony talking about young girls. That fucking twerp shouldn't have anything to do with that.

If i was a fighter and I saw Jim talking about me in such a casual way, I'd feel very creeped out. This is NOT okay.

at 1:50:55 Norton didn't dare 'wassat' a couple of real men, even though he had 3 perfect setups

Ugh, I was wondering what they were talking about.