Darren Aronofsky is a smug cocksucker. And fuck Joe Cumia.

4  2017-09-16 by A_Friendly_Creeper

MAyy Ur WeAKeNd Bee FuL oFf EnDlEz PoSiBiLItIez.


Pi is damn good tho

Yes, Bavarian cream.

Don't be irrational.

He seems like a boring guy who is convinced he's a twisted motherfucker. He needs to come to terms with being a normie. Then maybe he could make a good movie.

Kind of like me.

Did you see mother! yet?

I really liked the first half

But then you have another hour to go

Not yet. I'll probably wait until it's on Netflix or download it.

I disagree OP! When it comes to progressive Hollywood it takes a very courageous and emboldened director to make a movie with such glaring anti-Christianity themes

A brave response to Trump president nahhhhh

I liked Requeen For A Sheen.

The Wayans was a revelation and that Connoly got her hairy bush out.

Full fur burburage, lovely scene.

All of his good movies are based off of great books.

Ahh interesting, I thought RfaD was original.

Kind of like me.

Did you see mother! yet?