REMINDER: Opie told Joe Rogan that he'd "been in a million fights"

85  2017-09-16 by GangstaFag

His daughter is retarded


Wonder what his record is


Years in radio - times fired by sirius

So if triple G loses to Canelo tonight, he will have the same record as Gregg "Opie" Hughes.

you ever play Punch Out and see that Glass Joe was 99-1?

I'm a big fan of your work Mr Fag.

Thanks dad

Im sorry I did all that stuff to you that turned you into a homo. I was drinking a lot of coffee at the time and was super bored.

Do subnautical fights count?

Yes they do. And apparently they're worth a million dry land fights.

Opie has kids?

His wife's kids

Oh, you mean WH and BJ.


Fights against gravity every time he gets up

A million fights against gravity

Joe Rogan has been in a million fights with kids

Rogan claims he hasn't been in a street fight since he was a teenager.

How is that hard to believe?

On his podcast Joe recently claimed that in a fight with 10 kids he would "kick the first kid a coma [to send a message to the other kids not to fuck with him]" He actually thinks about this.

people keep going on about a retarded daughter. Any truth to that or is this just shit reddit says?

Yeah, I'm really curious about this too.

I'm not sure, but one way to put this to rest is to ask Rich Vos, who will be at the Syracuse Funny Bone, Thursday, September 21, 8:00pm – Sunday, September 24, 7:30pm.


From a genetics standpoint he had a better chance of fathering a retarded daughter when he was in his late 40's than he would have if he had knocked a chick up in his 20's or 30's.

Add to that the fact that he rarely if ever talked about her on the air the way he did his son and it leads to the conclusion that perhaps there is something a bit off with her. Plus it would just be funny as shit if he did have a retarded daughter.

His ability to keep such details under wraps this long concerns me if we will get many details on the divorce.

I don't even think it's that complicated.

Opie is legitimately mentally handicapped. He's just passed on his genes and now Opetta is intellectually subnormal as a result.

On the plus side she'll have a great rack before long.

Someone said that they spotted a little girl with Tits at a park. Apparently she looked like she kept water in her head.

remember that "fight" he was in with the guys selling 9/11 trinkets down by Ground Zero?

He drowned the guy in the fountain of the south tower footprint. Everyone applauded ta be perficly honest wit ya.

That's what fackin happens wen you go fuckin wit the the Opster

Opies likely been in as many fights as anyone in this thread, none none and none

All those fights and he was still too pussy to knockout the bouncer and wrestle Howard down to the ground

tuff guy

Knocked out by black guy + fought underwater + slammed taxi door on guy who stole taxi from his chick = millions

Pendulum will swing at the center of attention Just another day another condescension Mock you, Shock you Gonna Lock you down.

Pendulum will shift with a little bit of pressure Move too slow and the pendulum will get you. Show you, mow you, gonna throw you around.

You did the crime, but not the time Now you gotta pay for what you done You better run I've had all I can take of all your screaming in my ear My back is gonna break if you push me one more time.

My hearts getting heavy, My bloods getting cold You changed me into something that I just cant control. If you see me coming Best get out of my way, Cause the pendulum is swinging back the other way

dvv dvv

It's true but he meant passive-aggressive fights.

By fights he means cup sizes am I right fellas? He has hooters.


Years in radio - times fired by sirius

you ever play Punch Out and see that Glass Joe was 99-1?