That brought up a lot of Jocktober memories

6  2017-09-16 by aPersonStranded


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Kill yourself

Is anyone here really an old pest from back in the day? That shit feels like a long time ago.

Who the fuck knows but all I can say is that this grown man explaining that he's being cyber bullied by a group known as pests makes me happy to be alive

Hes telling on us

this is the best thing in years ahah and she made him sound like a fucking lunatic

The last three jocktobers, mostly on facebook. I dont live in the US so I was kinda Jocktobering on my own. I wish I was there to do the organized attacks live and call in the other shows. o&a fans are the most vicious and funny guys on the planet, those facebook attacks were brutal. I had a collection of shit pictures that would make GG Allin look like a fairy