All the deleted comments from new accounts?

6  2017-09-16 by Lies_and_Propaganda

Anyone got any idea who it is, what they're trying to say, and why are they so stupid as to keep doing this when no one sees it?

Mr. Mod, wanna tell us what's goin on? I assume mods can see the posts, though honestly I've got no idea.

Edit: seriously I only hit the post button once, should've posted this from the exact spot the wifi switches over, my bad.


Bullshit man. You're on the list now.

When you see deleted the person who posted deleted the comment. If a mod deletes a comment you don’t see anything.

there was a coup by reddit staff similar to what happened to R/The_donald

O&A subreddit is now fucking compromised man

I get deleted Chipping from other subs all the time. I tried to Edgar something the other day on Aww or some shiznit. I really don't know how reddit works so whateves sockcukkas!!

The mods are making thermite in the old threads.

When people kill themselves, their families want to erase the evidence of their participation here. This place has a high suicide rate.