E-Rock is starting to get that look Gandolfini had at the end

42  2017-09-16 by Compound_MediaPR


fat fuck has got hammerhead eyes

At what what point do you say, "enough is enough"?

His eyes are one of his worst features.

Artie Beaucoup


I can't believe 40 year old men still spike their hair. Does he still have a tub of dipptydo?

I have not seen a tub of dippitydo in years

He still plays the Nintendo when he gets his tard cut.

Nagel retains alot of water around his face

Good head of hair on that boy

The front of my hair is thinning rapidly. I'm actually pretty devastated

Phil Margera looks really good

"It's a very serious sitchuashun"

If he'd shave his moustache I'd know for a fact, but his skin complexion at this point suggest chronic alcoholism. Alcohol fucks with your blood pressure forcing vessels to expand and contract frequently, wearing them out, creating the rose color you see under his eyes and on his forehead. Now this could be how this white whale tans, which is why I need the moustache gone, it's never more telling than under the nose. But how great would it be if he's a drunk?

Who cares bout this nonsense: Lets go back to talk about Joe...

"Mm'boy are you fat"

Tony retardo, or downsy saprano.

He's still getting fatter.

When did phil margera get down syndrome?

He's starting to look like Opie's children's father, who is also starting to look like his father.

Neck fat is death fat.

When the capillaries start bursting in the neck so it looks like a drunk's nose, start taking out some life insurance policies, because their brain is going to pop.

Dammmmm erock got super fat

Fatsy Pariesi

So much food,So little time.

What! No fuckin ziti.

Gandolfini was hugely charismatic. Erock is just huge...

That's clearly Iceman Richard Kuklinski