"Who does Bono?" "A gentlemen by the name of Chasgshgkslgksg" Nice job, mush mouth.

15  2017-09-15 by fingerofgawd


quick thinking

"A tribute band by the name of 2U" God I can't stand how this fucking zilch tries to imitate Anthony's speech patterns.

To be fair, I think it was just a terrible edit by the show. Joe said the guys name, and they had to cut it.


Sounded like it comes out "a childhood friend of mine"

right, He said "the guys name, a childhood friend of mine"

Yes, This is it. you can go back and hear the audio edit.

They so edited Joe at the end when he was doing the interview. They did a jump cut to a new shot right as he was going to say something priceless I bet.

Boy would I love the raw tapes

He starts saying the guys name then realizes it'd be a really bad idea and would likely make the guy quit like their drummer or bassist did, so he mumbles "ff...friend'a mine"

Harvey is a stereotypical ugly jew's stereotypical ugly jew.

He looks like a caricature the Nazis used in their propaganda.

If it's true then is it really a caricature though?

Something something tree falls in forest.

Not anymore. Thanks Joe.