Joes response to me linking the archived deleted tweets (archive links in comments)

254  2017-09-15 by stinksskc


are you posting these here in case Joe sends the Sons of Riverhead after you?

If deep legal shit means going on another episode of The People's Court, I suggest you carry on as planned

I'll blow my load if Ian throws down on Joe on people's court

Where you gonna blow that load? Asking for a friend.

I'll give you one guess, handsome.


I wish the Peoples Court would give him the death penalty by feathering, starring and quartering.

Starring? I'm not sure what that is, but I hope it means firing Joe into the sun on a rocket.

That would be amazing if you had a camera on his stupid face as he gets closer and closer to the sun.

You're both faggots who think way too highly of yourselves. Hopefully you're both killed soon enough.

^ Joe Cumia

and you think too much about wrestling but no one calls you out

No seriously, kill yourself.


Don't please.


is it true you're an HIV infected tranny? just wondering.



Why did you post this? It just proves that neither Joe, nor you know how to spell "pedophilia".

look beyond the spelling

You're clearly a faggot but for now you're our faggot.

Everyone here is our faggot this is one of the most inclusive communities on reddit. Very welcoming.

You're the best.

You're the best.

Pedophilia? What is he like hamlet petting ophelia out a fawkin window i dunno im just riffin babe

He's coming after our best gal Stinks now?

It's time to truly destroy this pedophile.

He's a 70 year old cover band fag who makes $350 per gig. How else would you destroy him?


I'm with Joe. 10 years from now Stinks will be in a tribute band called "Park Linkin".

Or Park The Lincoln And Get Out And Shoot A Homeless Guy tss tss. Just riffin'.

way too good for chippah umor

True. That's a pretty good line he had there.

Write that one down.

And Joe will be working as a valet, parking Lincolns.

Oh yeah Joe, I happen to know this dude has a dirty needle with you name on it.

Are you prepared to be the next Eazy-E ?

That's some "Oz" shit.

On a side note – not liking that show because of "all the gay stuff" is gay as shit.

Aren't you forgetting about Oh Dara?

Joe thinks everyone is as stupid as he is.

He has no self awareness. He considers himself a successful musician? By having to do 3 cover bands plus a solo acoustic gig to make money, while leaning on his brother to give him money? The Rotgut guy?

But he sounds like he wants to take you on People's Court.

As ol' stinksy said in his video - I'd rather just give up playing music altogether than play in a cover band. It's amazing how this delusional fuck actually calls other people failed musicians when he's the walking embodiment of a failed musician.

Rupert Pupkin was less delusional.

These are both dipshits we're dealing with.

One plays in a U2 TRIBUTE band....the other used to play Sex Pistols covers in glam make up. Go ahead and pick which stud you want to back up and support.

I'll be honest
I downvoted you for the coarse language

In hindsight, I can see how I could have come across as crass. These lessons are how we learn...and that's ok.

And I down voted you because Stinks in our Stinks so fuck you.

I downvoted because he got mad about five downvotes.

I've been a musician and playing in bands since I was 14 and I can tell you - universally, without a doubt, NO ONE respects anyone in cover bands. They're really sad. It's always the 50 year old guys at the practice studios who are in them. They dress very similar to Joe in there white sneakers and cut off shirts. It's the graveyard for any musician.

He loves these trending buzzwords 'cuck', 'libtard', 'snowflake', 'millenial'. He seems like he gets his entire vocabulary from alt-right message boards.

Him and Anthony both. You can include Nick Dipalo as well. Bunch of old men complaining about young people while simultaneously using young alt-right kids language. Bunch of Drudge and Fox News parroting assholes. None of them hold an original opinion.

Oh god, it's someone bemoaning Fox News. 2004 called and it wants its hack political commentary back.

I don't understand your gripe. Just say you disagree with him if that's the case. Don't make it sound like he's being a hack for stating that fox news is garbage. It's true, and centered around the bigger point of the cumias parroting asses.

Yeah?! Well I had sex with your wife!

What did I say was bad about Fox News? Go ahead, genius. Ohhhh I didn't say shit about then, did I? I said those three guys parrot everything they say and don't hold opinions of their own. So I guess that makes you a fucking idiot, doesn't it?

Wow you're pretty sassy

Wow, you're pretty fucking dumb. That's been made clear.

Admit you're retarded.

🤣🤣😂😂 you're right! Tuck Frump! Jon Stewart is where it's at when it comes to unbiased political insight.

Another fucking idiot. Point out to me where so criticized Fox News or Drudge. I was pointing out that those 3 guys don't have opinions if their own, they just repeat what they hear in conservative media. Jesus Chris, work on your reading comprehension.

Alt-right message boards primarily inhabited by high school kids.

The hacker known as "four chans"

This weak faggot has me blocked. I didn't even really say anything bad. Sensitive turd.

Stinks is the kind of girl you can bring home to mom.

That nigga got bambi eyes

And sticky fingers.

And collapsed veins.

And hepatitis.

And a wrecked cootah full of worms

Don't forget halitosis.

What the fuck is going on with that dummy cumia? Anthony needs to muzzle his idiot brother. I stand with stinks the twink, my only news source.

He just fucked with the wrong bull.


You're dead in 3 days x.


You buried that sock cucka!

On a side note - how long before we grow tired of stinks?

He will OD before it gets to that point so he will always be loved by the sub.

A long time after we're tired of you.

Not long now I'm guessing.

Be careful stinks. Those people are known to be violent


Elderly men with breasts?

Well, Opie did fight that Frenchmun under the sea.

No, blacks


I hate when Baby Boomers talk down to Millenials. Baby Boomers are literally the worst generation in the history of America. They ruined everything. There parents were called "The Greatest Generation". But when the Baby Boomer Generation got through with America we are on the verge of collapse. And yet, they have the audacity to talk down to Millenials.

It's true. They all suck.

Video linked by /u/Mabans:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Baby Boomers and Politicians youtoobiniac 2010-08-27 0:02:41 318+ (99%) 34,060

George Carlin talks about the "me" generation and where...

Info | /u/Mabans can delete | v2.0.0


Well the odd thing about it is, Boomers raised the Millenials. The Millenials are their children, they're the product of the Boomer school system. They made their life decisions based on Boomer advice and counseling. If the generation is a failure, as many of them like to claim, well, what was the reason for that?

I used to call Joe functionally retarded as a joke, but as another user pointed out - this whole affair has made me realize just how staggeringly dumb Joe is.

It's actually incredibly he's able to get up and tie his shoe laces in the morning. Shed 10 points off his IQ and he'd need to be institutionalized. Fucking mouth breathing cunt.

That was my first reaction from the court appearance. (Why are THOSE people always in court?) He is way dumber than I thought. His unawareness of Opie level.

Wait so he's gonna sue you for showing his archived tweets? Joe really is a retard.

They could get an injunction on the action log of his account. Not surprised he took the people's court because of course they weren't going to all that trouble. I love people who swear things "vanish" from the internet.. fool.

Judge Judy

Stinks dindu nuffin! I seents it wif ma own eyes, gwan axe me!


I dragged my pointy finger mouse icon and laid over the one in the Imgur picture, and it felt like that part in the Godfather when the guy puts his hand over Luca Brazi's before they garot him.

Stinks, tweets can easily be manipulated. Everything Joe says or does is taken out of context, including keeping his daughter out of school for 70 days.

Fuck him up Stinks!

What a great week for this sub

This week has been draining for me tbh

Not everything is about you, calm down.

shut the fuck up faggot


This is my house?

Sounds like somebody has been needle shopping....time for a life-affirming phone call into the Jim Norton Advice show.

Insulting people based on what generation they were born in...... what an old faggot.

SNN is more succesful than 2U

Stinks vs brojoe

I wish some long island DA would bring up charges for perjury on that People's Court appearance.
Joe Cumia LIED under oaf. Those tweets/screenshots were his own words.

He used a hashtag on your millennial ass....he means business. I'd tread lightly if I were you (would also take a shower)


got an email from joe...

Hello Ian Casey,

Thanks for writing me directly. Now I have your IP address.

Once the shock that I've found out your true identity subsides, read the following VERY carefully:

You're angry at my brother for shutting down your YouTube account that hacked and pirated his podcast, so you come after ME and my family's well being?!??!

The archived links you sent in your defamatory emailS ,ARE NOT EVEN FROM MY TWITTER ACCOUNT. There are at least a dozen Joe Cumias on Twitter, some are trolls like yourself, and say some pretty horrific things.

Find MINE (the real one), find racist comments and write my clients again please. This time with a full retraction, or I guarantee you'll be a defendant in small claims court pronto.

I'd really like for us to meet with the people you sent emailS to, along with me, face to face, so you can plead your case in person with all involved present. If you're so concerned about my "WHITE SUPREMACY", At the very least, you should send them your number to contact you via telephone. I'd like them to hear your voice and for you to have a chance for your case to be heard...loud and clear.

I've blind CC'd them on this email.

You will pay the price of your abysmal actions in a court of law if I'm canceled at Meadowlands. It's defamation of character and I will have lost employment directly due to your actions.

Yours Truly, Joseph Cumia 631-495-1073

Goddamn that was funny, yet so wrong.

Keep your head on a swivel stinks

Tell him to "Knock it off spade!"

How does a retard like this make it to the age of 68?

Stinks is the hero we both need and deserve.

Joe is such an incomparable retard that he accused himself on multiple occasions of being an accused pedophile on national TV. I doubt he has intimate understanding of the intricacies of law.

Joe "be careful America" Cumia. I would be careful brothaman

He ultimately said "YOU'RE ASKING FOR IT!"

Good for you stinks. Keeping poking at this retarded hornets nest. He looked like he was on the verge of tears during people's court. If we could make joe cry on camera our work here might be officially done

Joe must be pretty bad to get me to defend the hipster guy that does heroin and steals money. Don't fuck with our homeless Steve Perry, Joe.

Keep fighting the good fight Stinks!

Why would you be jealous of a loser who has to collect an allowance from his younger brother?

i think he means his SICK music career. and getting to tour with smash bands like appetite for roses GNRTRIBUTE BAND

Who has this kind of time???

me and joe

My God you're a loser.

somehow im sure ive lived a much more fulfilling life than you though

If spending your life on reddit is win! Enjoy your night and keep up the hate. It'll get you far.

you know reddit is on your phone right? fucking idiot

do you just check in here every month to ask WHO HAS TIME FOR THIS? ... LOSER

yeah thats much more helpful than contributing anything, fucking asshole

wow. you are a creepy motherfucker.

Yeah clicking on your name and glancing at less than and paragraph of content makes me very creepy oh and NO LIFE HAVING TOO

I don't think you understand; /u/stinkssks literally DOES have a much more fulfilling life than most here. Between his bartending, music gigs, SNN, gaming, and hip friends and nightlife of NYC, he actually has a lot more going on than a package-watcher such as yourself.

It's just annoying this guy comes here's for entertainment only to insult anyone here who contributes around, by his logic thered be NOTHING here for him to even look at, ducking faggot

And yet I get downvoted for defending you. Whatevs.

I hope this is a joke.

Didn't this fuck once have a "Joe Cumia show" when Anthony first started podcasting? Goddamn I'd love to listen to it now

Asshole even uses his brother in court

A reminder Joe was #InOverHisHead in his fucking People's Court appearance. He didn't understand that the case was about the correct method to notify someone of the cancellation of a contract. He could have spun it into a difference of opinion over politics, but no - he had to bring his brother into it, he had to bring Reddit into it, he had to keep claiming he's not a paedophile (despite no-one bringing it up in court). If he'd done it right, it would be a five minute bit too boring to make the show, and he'd have had his money. Seriously, did that club owner do anything remarkable during the case? No? If Joe had handled it the way he did, he'd have had his money without feeding the joyless bastards on here.

This is getting too weird for me. It's making me question reality. Brother Joe please stop. You're a masochist. Stop coming here. This type of embarrassment is going to cripple your already fragile ego. Stick to guitar and getting mad at black people. They're 10% of the population and they don't effect your life you silly man. You have kids cheese dick.

...dude what the fuck is going on?


And a ha ha ha

he cant even get this subreddit taken down. hows he gonna sue you?

That's very threatening coming from somebody who can't even feed himself at the age of 60. Fat, bald faggot.

a 60 year old man shouldn't use hashtags

Someone needs to pick up where Ronin left off, someone needs to be a mediator between the mongs and Ganglord Joe.

"Millennial ass".

JoeC yells at clouds and tells kids to get of his lawn.

I remember reading Joe's racist social media in real time before anyone was screenshotting them here. He knows he made the comments but is lying and doubling down.

Im sure his "people" have contacted Archived to have this "slander" taken down.

Archived: " But you wrote it..."

JoeCum : :(

Oh god, it's someone bemoaning Fox News. 2004 called and it wants its hack political commentary back.

I'll be honest
I downvoted you for the coarse language

🤣🤣😂😂 you're right! Tuck Frump! Jon Stewart is where it's at when it comes to unbiased political insight.

And I down voted you because Stinks in our Stinks so fuck you.

Don't forget halitosis.