Joe Cumia is the worst dresser in the O&A Universe, and that is a fact

0  2017-09-15 by disawayisthrows

Which is astounding as to how shittily everyone dresses. Sam looks like Pennywise in his mime like getup, Jim wears the same clothes and shoes everyday, Tits wears tight fitting clothing that accentuate his womanly curves and Anthony dresses like a ten year old.

Brother Joe has them all beat. How is no one talking about this? What the fuck was he wearing?

Also boo to Joe for trying to get sympathy points with the airborne t shirt, we get it, you served. Good for you. Guess what, you also collect children's spit in jars that you keep in your basement. Fuck you, you creep.


Big Jay is worse.

We've all been making fun of his dumbass crosstrainers since last night. Where the fuck have you been?

You forgot about Big Jay

Never heard of him

You forgot about Big Jay

You forgot about Big Jay

You forgot about Big Jay

You forgot about Big Jay

You forgot about Big Jay

You forgot about Big Jay

You forgot about Big Jay

You forgot about Big Jay

You forgot about Big Jay

Why do you do this all the fucking time?


There was a glitch on my phone that caused a ton of duplicate posts but in this case it's fitting.

Yo im the world's worst dresser and that's a fact, i got a brother named Opie and sister named ant