Joe Matarese should be thanking Brother Joe

47  2017-09-15 by crookedmile

Joe really took the heat off Matarese's pathetic ass.


Opie too.

Yeah it's unfortunate that's the case. But Brother Joe is a shithead who made a complete ass of himself as usual. I'm sure that senseless bore Matarese will say something fucking stupid within the next couple of days, and this sub can give him the cyber curb stomping he truly deserves.

Next week Matarese will do something dumb and the sub will smash him again.

It seems every week, one of these dipshits does something to pull one of the other shitheads out of the hot seat.

Wheel of dummies

Joe who?

Carol? Carol Maxheimer? @CMaxheimer?

For 24 hours Joe Matarese and Opie simply haven't existed.

Big Jay too