
5  2017-09-15 by RBuddCumia


He doesnt have to worry about Gene hitting on his new squeeze.

Gene looks like he fashioned a wig out of those cheap spider web decorations you put out around Halloween.

Do you know how many hookers that man had to murder in order to make that wig because those cunts at Locks of Love refused Gene's request?


Gene weeps when you throw trash out of your car

Did they share a banana?

Gene Simmons may have more preposterous hair than Sam.

Gene Simmons may have more preposterous hair than Sam.

Fixed that for you.

Nice grammar, retard.

I thought it was a black hoodie until I read this.

Beware of Gene Simmons 'the merchandising jew'

Gene has a very masculine jaw, or a neck tumor

His hair looks like the helmet portion of darth vaders mask

I thought he had a hoodie over his head

Gene looks like one of Marge simpson's sisters

I like Jimmy's new combover.

The heeb is shilling more Kiss junk. He now has a $50k "limited edition" box set, with additional Kiss junk included, that he's pushing. It's called "The Vault" and it's a one of a kind piece of Kiss history folks.