At least people outside this sub approved of Joe Cumia's appearance on People's Court

146  2017-09-15 by fingerofgawd


hopefully someone can send these to him and he gets so mad he forgets to pick his daughter up from school again

with all that spit on the table, do you think he really would?

Anybody else notice how he tried to force crocodile tears when revealing reddit was behind his issues? SamCro Joe's Baking Company.

The best was the two times he tried to defend himself on TV and each time got cut off. First by that milf of a judge and a second time when getting interviewed and they jump cut his ass. I'm going to study this episode like the damn Zapruder film.


I don't think he's forcing them, I think ol' Dunning-Cumia is really breaking down, and that's why Her Honour cuts to the defendant to let Pissy-Eyes get his shit together.

Holy fuck. He is now making all this main stream knowledge. He just fucked himself for life because of that court show. He comes off as a bafoon and a racist producer of CP.

It has now left this sub and is out there spreading.

This sub Is the best thing in the entire world. God bless u "pests"

why does this man keep telling everybody that he is not a pedophile, even though nobody accused him of being one? It really makes you think doesn't it...

I love the internet :):):)

Well when they're right, they're right.

You really have to wake up on the stupid side of the bed to make it look like /r/OpieandAnthony is the reasonable part of this relationship.

"He's pretty dark for a white supremacist" He's also pretty dumb for any kind of supremacist.

Joe Cumia: Winning in fake TV court, and in the court of public opinion.

What do the other guys in that shit band think of him now?

Why, was he violently executed?

These are classic

It's nice to see Sam checking in with his thoughts.

Holy shit I had to google jenkem. "Jenkem Joe" Cumia, that's fuckin priceless

I can't explain to people about O&A or Jason Genova so it's weird to see them together in that comment.

My first thought was that I want the guy that commented on the "white kirklands" dead as bad as I want J. Cums to meet his demise.

Costco shoe wearin' ass.