r/opieandanthony reacts to Samcro Joe on "The People's Court"

464  2017-09-15 by joeybeans12


God Bless America.

PFG on the little monitor had me howling.


Holy Fucking shit that is amazing.

Gold lots of gold

oh my god you are a fucking genius!!! this clip right here makes all the hard work you sick bastards have done all these years completely worth it!!! i havent laughed that hard in a long time. "reddit has zero effect on our lives" LOLOLOLOLOLOL

I thought this sub would be dead after Opie was fired. This is a thing of beauty.

please please get anthony to comment on this SOMEHOW!!!

Where are the all the black women with abacuses? # HiddenFences.

You autistic mother fucker! Love it.

I love you guys more than my family.

This is the fucking best thing. god damnit man this is funny. Thank u for your vision and hard work!

I really do hate these self-congratulatory posts. We accomplished nothing.

Our greatest moment was getting a piece of shit racist U2 cover band guitarist to briefly mention us on a daytime court show.

Our greatest moment was getting a piece of shit racist U2 cover band guitarist to briefly mention us on a daytime court show.

Well, what else have you done today?

I tongue-punched your mom's fartbox then read a book.

What a time to be alive


Guys, we're really doing something special here aren't we?

Figures all you guys dress like Proud Boys

This is my first week in this sub. It's just been outstanding. I fear it's all downhill from here.

I wish I could share this but no one I know would get it.

Jesus this still makes me laugh everytime.

'Online terrorists'. What an idiot.

"Card carrying violent white supremacist"

Stupid Joe doesn't know how to use the phrase 'card carrying'. Fag.

Tits hasn't offed himself and Ellis still has a show.

I missed that on the first viewing. Thanks!

it looks like the decor of an Indian restaurant

That really was a gem

We say that every time but the endless piƱata of content that is the Opie and Anthony show just keeps giving

It really is a piece of shit

Same, been trying to figure out why I can't do it, and that's what it is. Poor old fool. He's like Duncan in Prince of Thieves. All you want to do is backhand slap the stupid fuck, but in the end it's almost too sad.

I've watched it, twice ;)

Your post makes it sound like Joe's catchphrase is "stay cool about it", but it's not ringing a bell.

you HAVE to watch it.

No way, he isnt active enough here. Bonniesretardsister.

Flying pyramids


How old is your brother?

God this just makes me want to shout with joy from the hilltop but I can't actually imagine explaining the significance/context of this video to a living, breathing human being.

I love how you've photoshopped Ant and Artie onto the belt.

Honor and a pleasure.

It's u/cbanks420lol

Hahah same for me except it was Nia Gurr

I agree. A singular conscious has formed and evolved rather quickly. For a while this singular conscious, a new living organism, known as /opieandantrhony , only existed in his native habitat of reddit and the internet. The organism developed a way to fabricate itself in a physical, real form, migrating from it's habitat to infest other ecosystems. a sentient being with highly advance predatory skills now hunts the brothers Cumia, weak injured doe that limp in the forest.

just a bunch of protestant anglo-saxons, nobody south of the alps is welcome.

reminds me of when /b/ prior to scientology


I watched in two different tvs at the same time.

Ethically the control room is mostly made up of 2/3 generation Germans,Irish,Scots Irish,English........People from thousands of miles away from Sicily who I doubt had much olive oil on the dinner table.

Good girl.