Bro Joes post-verdict speech really said it all...

12  2017-09-14 by OpieHasTits

The fact that he was more concerned about not being able to air his grievances about this sub and it's effect on his life. He looked like a battered spouse who was too emotional to articulate exactly how tormented his life had been since his relationship with us began.

That was so satisfying to watch. This must be what it feels like for feminists to wear a vagina hat; sheer empowerment. This sub is fucking great.


I'm currently putting together a press package about this. I think a white supremacist performing for a giant corporation like tgi Fridays would make a compelling story. With the current political climate I think any news story about Joe will make him unhirable.

f this asshole really wanted to distance himself, all he needs to do is get off twitter, make his FB private, stay off this sub, and live a normal life. He keeps thrusting himself into the public sphere out of a desire to be famous and then gets mad when people attack him

we have no effect on his life