This Joe Cumia People's Court appearance is the greatest moment in /r/opieandanthony history

319  2017-09-14 by theropers

Black audience members look disgusted in the background behind Joe while he stutters describing Ant's firing, claiming he didn't write the Twitter/Facebook racism, calling the O&A sub "online terrorists". This is fucking pitch perfect.


No impact on his life.

Does he think he would be on national television denying pedophilia of it weren't for this place.

Shoutout to /u/stinksskc for the stream

also thanks joe cum for the shoutout

If only that dumbshit could turn off notifications and autoplay.

Shut your fucking yap.

My second favorite part was the page full of black dicks and him typing his password in clear view 😂

Deserves gold

It was perfect. It went better than I could have imagined. He attempted more than once to use it as a platform to complain about this sub specifically. At the end during the interview he spoke to the interviewer and said he didn't care about the money and wanted to publicly address all the accusations.

He was hoping to paint a conspiracy involving this sub, and when he brought it up the second time the judge dismissed it as being "far fetched" like he was a rambling idiot. He spent half his time talking about Ant and this place and claimed he never said any of the shit he's accused of.

Plus he alluded to himself being a pedophile--twice. What a dumb mother fucker. Thinks he's Larry Flynt when he's just a racist stooge.

Yeah he kept bringing that up, maybe that was a reference to the spitting thing but none of the screenshots from his FB imply that so that's something he just threw in there on his own.

All he wanted from that appearance was to clear his name somehow, and that constituted the majority of his whole argument. The greatest part was when the judge said something like "I'm going to go ahead for the sake of argument and assume it's all true." And then for the remainder of the show carried on implying he said and did all those things (which he should be able to do because this is America etc.) which is exactly what he wanted to avoid. She went off on a rant about how he should be able to be a big awful racist and say reprehensible things and he's just standing there trying to figure out if he can interrupt a judge.

I agree with joe. Saliva is not rape, no matter how much youth you steal from the child it comes from.

As soon as he mentioned reddit, the judge cut him off. Glorious.

Oh god I forgot him trying to explain what happened to Ant. "There was an issue with management... He was attacked by a...uh, woman..."

Because you can tell they had some prearranged agreement not to mention reddit. he sighs then says he didnt want to mention reddit blah blah blah then the judge says nevermind I dont want to make it a problem for you and they completely move on you can tell he asked them or told them beforehand he didnt want the sub being mentioned.

He was holding back a blubbering at the end interview he was twitching and blinking like he was going to have a stroke

If you look at the original post, basically everyone on that replied was shitting on the OP for messing with the lives of 2U members, they didn't approve of what he had done.

there was a jump cut too where I'm sure they left some gold on the editing room floor

Him saying pedophile so much made him look guilty of something else

Every time he explained himself he ended up implicating himself in something stranger. To explain who captured these images he needs to explain there's a Reddit conspiracy to bring down his cover band because of his brother, and then he has to fumble around and explain what happened to Ant in a room full of blacks and mexicans.

He was like the bitter wife in divorce court that feels she is losing so emotions take over and just start blurting out made up crazy shit and accusations. If anyone was to take any of them serious and investigate would find its shit making it worse for her

"There was this man.. in a cape... and Lloyd Braun.."

Can we get a supercut of this to send to future promoters?

There are certain words that you don't voluntarily plant in people's minds.

Imagine having to explain to normal people why you're so excited to watch this.

Luckily we can just circle jerk here.

Yeah luckily everyone here is limited to having 0 friends to share anything with anyway. Very lucky.

It used to bother me. Now, it's a gift.

Most people complain about their wives never shutting up, I have to make Chip jokes at mine for 10 minutes before she'll even tell me to shut up.

Let me get in the middle and be the cum eater.

My gf texted me and said this guy was on the people's court and he mentioned that Anthony cumia guy you like. Bonding moment.

Is she hot?

Not enough that I'll listen to her stories.

I love how many times he hypothetically referred to himself as a pedophile.

If a guy repeatedly tells me he's not a pedophile even though I never asked him, I take his word for it.

was it the child spit thing lol?

not only that, he also fucks children. it's been confirmed from multiple reputable sources.

I have the screen grabs on imgur.

It was reported on the Stink News Network.

Jesus Christ, even the judge caught on to that.

That was the greatest part about all. Nobody else brought that. It's not what he was accused of. I don't even think anyone knew about that it took everyone off guard that he even said it. He said it three times too. Are large number of the people who watched this will 100% think he's a pedophile now.

I know, there was no reason to even bring that part up.

He really is a monumental idiot.

Joe always bragged about lying during a lie detector test, so it's no surprise that he had no qualms with lying under oath.

I think the haterz owe u/killakuhn an apology

I think getting Joe's gigs cancelled was pretty fucked up, but holy shit was this appearance funny

Is there anywhere to watch the episode??? I'll have to check if it's on the firestick when I get home.

Thanks man, I actually just got finished watching it. That was amazing. It really did look like he wanted to break down in tears to prove he isn't a racist, hahaha

this, I defended 2U here as well, but I can't help and laugh at all of this.

Can you imagine how he would have acted if this sub DID have an effect on their lives?

Kramer vs Lamer

Primal Queer

A few good hens

I haven't laughed this much in a long time

Wow what a wow for this sub to rebound. We did it fellas

I thought everyone was trolling. Holy crap that was great.



And to think I was getting endless amounts of shit for starting this...smh...I'm glad it worked out well tho.

The first letter to Joe's venues started all of this.

Someone please upload

I'm seriously about to just walk out of work to go home and watch this online.

Don't let Panera down like that.


Any links?

A stamp ruined our greatest moment of vindication. So close.

Finally recognition! Years of trolling wasn't wasted!

It's like they purposely put black people behind Joe in the courtroom.

Interviewer: Do you think a club owner is right to prevent a racist from performing at their bar?

Black Woman: I do.

Interviewer: how about you white guy, do you think racism sucks?

White Guy: [looks at black woman] I emphatically do.

He almost broke his arm reaching through the crowd to get the black girl's opinion on racism.

Hello, that's not just interviewer guy, that's Harvey Fucking Levin!

He also absolutely did write the tweets that were read out on the show. He lied under tv court oath.

Without question he did. Gonna fire an email to the judge with archive links of the things he said were fabricated. Maybe she can get him for it somehow. He's such a piece of shit she might go out of her way to fuck with him.

It's a fake show dude.

bitch is a retired judge. wtf, my whole life is a lie

It's not a court. This is a binding arbitration and Judge Milian is a retired judge. The litigants cannot take their cases elsewhere after a decision here. This douchebag showed the world what he is for very little money.

cant he go to tv jail though.

Oath of a role play court show

Got home from work, and immediately went to the television and hit play. More excited for this than the NFL game I have 300 bucks on later tonight!

If you didnt MoneyLine the Texans you are dumber than joe

Lol, got Texans +6. Thought about ML, but I try to stick to ML on home teams unless I love a team....hard to love Houston after last weeks showing.

300 on this shit show tonight?

september 14 2017 A day that will live in infamy

Can you guys imagine if this sub actually had an impact on their lives?

Black bitch behind and to the right of Joe when he was saying "racist, misogynistic, pediphile...."

Her fucking face!


Ahahahahahahahahah im fucking literally crying laughing over here.

Thats right Joe: bring up racism and pedophelia again. ME THINKS THOU DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH

And its really a genius move on his behalf: have your reputation be tarnished by: what? 10-30,000 basement dwelling day laboring Associates degree having stooges? 100,000 on the high side (zooted fawwkk yeah)

Or... have yourself appear on national television making an awesome first impression to literally millions of people and possible customers. Way to go, Joe! You fucking numbskull

He was so excited about being on TV that he actually promoted this disaster

It shows his issues with perception. After this was taped, he was peacocking around about this as if he was going to come off so great.

His best line was "not to be long-winded, but..."

We gave him the best and funniest booking that man's ever had. We need a sequel in which Joe defends himself against claims of being a bad father.

The fact that he won is a little bittersweet but it's hard to complain too much.

The Cumia boys may be idiots, but they're not morons. Joe got a solid contract written up, like any decent businessman should.

This was fantastic it had everything. Joe got called a Racist and Misogynous. They brought up Reddit and the Pests. Joe looked like and Alt Right fool the only thing missing was a mention of kids paid to spit into his mouth. Well done gang!

What a boob! (Not referring to the judge's body parts.)

He did lie under oath right? I mean I know it's fake court but the judge did mention being under oath.

His dejected sigh when she shut down his rambling reddit explanation was great.

(admittedly hot in a milf-ish kind of way) Judge: Why was Anthony fired?

Joe: umm, errrr, that is.... He was fired becaaaauuse.. flopsweat

Other than Joe making himself look like even more of a fool to a big mainstream new crowd, I enjoyed his sensible dad jogging shoes in the wide shots.

One of the underrated moments was when he tried to explain what a "tribute band" was compare to a cover band. "We do acting and stuff. It's a show." No, you put a beanie in your head and copy someone else's hard work. There's nothing noble or special about you making money on the backs of others.

2300$ isn't worth the humiliation he just suffered on national TV. God how in anyway could you think that was a success? You could just feel how disgusted that judge was looking at him.

Joe actually thinks he is famous. Outside of the human garbage on this sub, no one has a clue who he is. And why does his pronounce his last name as "Q-mia"?

Not only can get not pronounce his own last name correctly but the twinkle in his eye when Ant's name was initially brought up was annoying. He was waiting for that moment. It was brief but there.

If a guy repeatedly tells me he's not a pedophile even though I never asked him, I take his word for it.

was it the child spit thing lol?

Jesus Christ, even the judge caught on to that.

If you didnt MoneyLine the Texans you are dumber than joe

That was the greatest part about all. Nobody else brought that. It's not what he was accused of. I don't even think anyone knew about that it took everyone off guard that he even said it. He said it three times too. Are large number of the people who watched this will 100% think he's a pedophile now.

300 on this shit show tonight?

I know, there was no reason to even bring that part up.

It was on one of those meltdown compilations. So I don't know the show or meltdown number.

A welcomed change.