I'll be streaming joes people's court at 3 on SNN

166  2017-09-14 by stinksskc


God bless.

But Joe's kind aren't people.

tsss yahh, whats he a fuggin kangaroo or sumthin?

Wait wait... courts... kangaroos... hold on i think i got sumptin

hold on


What are the kangaroos fawkin playin tennis????


write that one down


You're a bigger patriot than me. Godspeed.

They broadcast this show early here, don't wanna spoil it, but holy crow does ol spit mouth look like a bumbling fool, and a liar.

It's better than I expected. He is looking like an idiot.

But didn't he win his case?

Also, Brother Joe has breasts.

He was pretty much guaranteed a payout, the only cost was losing his dignity in front of a huge audience and have it documented for all time.

Luckily for Joe, not much dignity is left to loose at this point.

He's chubby.

Stinks Turner is taking over the media game.


I hear he's a convert

How many hours from now?

3pm est


have you actually checked if its gonna be the right one? at least here on the west coast 3pm looks to be a rerun acorrding to the guide and the joe one is actually at 5pm

Pfft west coast time get outta here with that shit I go on o&a official time east coast

How about now?


What about now?

Stinks you are a mensch.

"Mr Cumia, you're an appalling and bigoted human being. The court understands you're also a father. The court's sympathies go out to your daughter. With such a horrible role model, she'll need as much sympathy as possible. Having said all that, a contract's a contract and yours is valid. The court awards you the $1700 agreed in said contract for services rendered."

"Excuse me, ya onna, but that should be $1800. The contract also states that we were entitled to up to $100 in food and refreshments."

(Judge checks contract) "So you were. Very well, $1800." (Bangs gavel.)

Joe smiles smugly into the camera.


The court understands you're also a father.

I'll never understand this shit. How does knocking someone up grant you different rights than the rest of us scum?

Probably because of the responsibility of being financially accountable for the child. Doesn't really apply to Joe though, as the kid's uncle is the one who keeps her fed and clothed.

And fucked.


Anthony's ghoul face is a consequence of his experiences at three mile island. Scientists didn't think the Cumias would ever be able to reproduce so it is somewhat of a miracle.

If you read the whole comment, she only used the fact that he is a father to insult him further

not sure if real, considering praying to make it so.

It's not but I am willing it to be so.

i thought this actually happened and was waiting fdor it at the end lol

It was what I hoped would happen but the reality was even better. Just watched it on your channel (cheers btw). He just couldn't stop saying pedophile. Everyone in that room probably left thinking he was a kiddy fiddler.

I cant wait to turn it on in front of my roommates and act like I dont know him

I showed my bandmate my YouTube channel. Whose joe? Who is this Josh guy? You're weird

What did the other members of The Strokes say?

lol SNN is the greatest shit. "Your #1 source for O&A sub news."


Will SNN be calling in to Nick Dipaolos show tonight to ask Dave Smith unanswered questions from his AMA the other day?

SNN is putting up higher numbers and pulling in more cash than Opie and Anthony combined.

Y ex is more famous than they ever were. I dated the most hated woman in America

She was screaming that her boyfriend ran a news network while they slapped the cuffs on her

stinks what the fuck are these girlfriend references you're constantly making.

i was engaged to the chick who shot that bomb

i'm still lost


I believe it was revealed she had twitter contact with Stinks, but she has since deactivated/deleted her account.

so stinks is saying he was engaged with this girl when in all actuality all that transpired is the fact that she tweeted him a few times?

/u/stinkskc can you please confirm for us with undeniable proof of a relationship with this broad?

She literally has the word "stinks" tattoed on her fat tits.

I for one have full trust and faith in Stinks and his editorial integrity, if he says they were engaged it is the truth.

I second this statement.

i mean she has stinks tattooed above her tit, the evidence speaks for itself

this is real,. we dated for 1.5 years and she lived with me 6 years ago

did she ever take it up the shitter?

i once asked her why dont we ever do anal and she told me my dick was too big, i think she was just trying to worm her way out of it. this was at a country buffet or some shit LOL

lol ur the best stinks

NE Philly is full of old country buffets

Please send me a picture of your giant penis ( erect ).

Do you have any of her nudes?


i dunno i was cool. i was a jobless loser dating a big titted ATM with a giant suv. it was great

Ive never felt more suicidal.

Please, do go on.


I just have one question for you, Sir. Were those big, heavy, homeless hating tits real. I googled her and they looked like fakers carrying foreign bodies but it's hard to gauge from a clothed photo. Either way, good for you for having a go on those fat tits. Crazy chicks fuck like champs.


Thought so. Too globe like.

Oh what?!?! I didn't know you and Hillary were an item at one point bro. - Mark_

It is honestly nowhere near as big of a story as you think it is. I understand though, I would love for a couple of the batshit dummies that I have dated to have their retarded antics exposed by the media.

What the fuck are you talking about its national news and she's possibly the most hated woman in America right now

Calm down, you spastic retard. It is barely in the news at all, is definitely not in the headline rotation, and for the most part it's already out of the news cycle. She's not the most hated woman in America because 99.9% of America has never heard of her or never will. You are just too close to the situation and think that the whole ordeal is much bigger than it actually is.

Yesterday it was one of the top news stories dog

It was a news story yesterday, yes, but if it was a top news story it would still at least be trending today. She is not even on the CNN homepage today. Seriously, it wasn't that big of a story on the national level. No one cares about that or even knows her name, much less have exalted her to the level of Most Hated Woman in America.

I didnt mean to call you a spastic retard though, that was an accident. I love you.

She was yesterday

Pretty sure Hillary Clinton was yesterday, but okay, we can agree to disagree. All I was really saying is that you are too close to the story so it seems much bigger to you than it actually is.

Half of America loves hillary Clinton everyone hates my ex

I love the SNN but is Stinks Cooper really making money off of this?

I hope so!

The SNN Patreon takes in over 20k every month.

Pretty soon Opie will be shamelessly tweeting at him, too.


EST? im assuming. its the only time zone that matters.

It is

We can't hear you speak over the shitty podcast sir

Why isn't this stickies?

Chromecasting this weasel searching for his ex's lesbian sex tape. A new low.


He can't even watch it. He has let us all down.

eat it denny >:(

You got there in the end and did yourself and your murder ex proud


who is talking in there? I'm new to SNN.

It's Steve C. He's finally doing a podcast.

pendulum finally swung the other way for him!

Never gave a shit about SNN until recently with the A&A call in re Joe M. Not a sub so gave it a listen. Now going to watch him air the People's Court show ... don't fuck this up, sir ... I am counting on you. Thank you for your service.

are you gonna shoot up live on youtube?

What is that pre-recorded call in stuff?

An it has failed

I don't think Joe thought this through.

If he does come off sounding like a racist, he'll probably be bombarded with death threats and doxing from SJWs.

I'm beginning to think that he's not very smart.

What the hell where is the stream?

What happened to the stream?

The 82nd Airborne shirt is a nice touch.

What a fucking liar. He said that the posts weren't his.


The nig Nog's reactions behind him. Sensational. Terrorist tactics. Amazing.

Joe Cumia is one of the least articulate people I've ever seen on the peoples court and that's saying something

We terrorists now

His long sigh and "I didn't want to bring up reddit" made me laugh so hard

I'm cackling like an idiot in my apartment. BroJoe is pretty well-spoken, though.

Saw the CNN style writing and automatically assumed it was some legit, professional outfit. Then I realised what it was.


Also, who the fuck is Josh Thompson?


Annnnd we're back

"Everything except for pedophile"

If only she knew.


Oh man the cut to the bailiff angle with the "silverback" comment.

He noticed that too HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHHAHHA. He comes off horribly. Stuttering and stammering only makes him look guilty

This is better than Goodfellas.

You are the man!

hahaha I love how Joe tried to spin this as a victory for him. He's coming across fucking terribly and sounds like he's about to cry at any moment.

Ha! He brought up Reddit.

Fuck me this is up there with ant being arrested


I cannot believe this.

She's not having it.

Joe looks like a fatter faggier Howie Mandel

he really does

LOL she refuses to believe that people would pick on him just because he's a radio personality's brother... "that's far fetched"

I'm jealous of how naive she is.

Joe Cumia wins by TKO

TIL Joe Cumia's day rate is less than $500.

I'm sure this will help him get other gigs.

Joe "Anthony was dismissed from the show in 2014"

Judge "And he was dismissed for what reason"

Joe "ummm..."

and the lawyer knew what happened!

right then, I knew Joe was guilty by association.

Everything about this is amazing. The fact that these guys said this sub has no impact on their lives. And now he is on national television about to cry while being publicly called a racist. I don't think it can get much better than that.

He did tweet those things he is saying are manipulated though?

yes he did, we have the archived links somewhere hes full of shit

I'm no lawyer, but I'm pretty sure we could sue him for the $2,300 for besmirchment.

Thanks for the video, stanks.

What a fucking disgusting liar and piece of shit.

Thanks! I skipped around all your bullshit, but I think that kept this video from being pulled down.


Joe was absolutely lying under oath, we should make sure the judge knows this.

I don't think it's a real court case though. So I don't think he could actually get in trouble for it.

It is not a real court...

It's not a real court room.

I guess all the Cumia's are pissy eyed faggots



Godammmit, I missed it, sockcucka.



America's most trusted news source.

how can I watch this?

Tough Guy Joe panicked when he realized he was being called a Rascist, Misogynist asshole by a Fake Judge on TV. It really made him look like an ass.

tsss yahh, whats he a fuggin kangaroo or sumthin?

He was pretty much guaranteed a payout, the only cost was losing his dignity in front of a huge audience and have it documented for all time.

He's chubby.

The SNN Patreon takes in over 20k every month.

Calm down, you spastic retard. It is barely in the news at all, is definitely not in the headline rotation, and for the most part it's already out of the news cycle. She's not the most hated woman in America because 99.9% of America has never heard of her or never will. You are just too close to the situation and think that the whole ordeal is much bigger than it actually is.

Will SNN be calling in to Nick Dipaolos show tonight to ask Dave Smith unanswered questions from his AMA the other day?