Jim hated Baby Driver (09/14/2017)

0  2017-09-14 by beavvv


"they weren't supposed to be over the top!" .. he didn't get it

Well it's not Crash or King of Comedy, so why would he?

Don't you DARE put Crash and King of Comedy in the same sentence buddy.

Jim has awful taste.

He watched the entire movie and didn't realize it was Jon Hamm in it. Yep, we can expect quality analysis from this person.

Jim needs everything extremely literal and realistic. He thinks Steven "Plot Vomit" King is a brilliant author. Jim is a boob.

Baby Driver was a retarded movie though.

I didn't like it either but my reasons are better.

I hated his movie too. For many of the same reasons as Jimmy

I was a bit suprised by how 'short' travis was with jim.. there was definately a weird energy in the studio.. Jim was pissed about guests and Sam and Travis seemed pissed at Jim for being pissed maybe? Help me out her u/dennyislfe I know you listen

Travis is responsible for reinforcing Sam's severe delusions. Sam believes himself to be: funny, entertaining, intelligent, a talented impersonator. When Sam makes a "joke" 90% of the time the only sound one hears is Sam's dolphin-like laugh. However 10% of the time, in addition to the sound of Flipper, the sound of Travis Tefft laughing loudly can be heard.

I can see why this would upset Jimmy (whose last partner and current partner's mentor was also very delusional).

Didn't pick up on that. He just disagreed.

Jamie Fox was miscast. The rest of the movie is great.

He and Punisher guy should have swiched roles.

Hes more of a "Crying Game" kinda guy.

Jimmy mostly has horrible taste in movies and music but this time I agree with him. I was surprised how much I hated it because the reviews were so good. The movie really made me sick.

Jim is such a faggot. This movie was great and Crash sucked balls