Craft Brewers + Feminism = Hell on Earth

6  2017-09-14 by crookedmile


If its anything anyone on Earth knows, its that you can make anything funny by adding a bunch of girls to it

According to the fat chick at the end, what they really need is more Mexican women to really take this to the next level. They want more "latino flavors" like peppers and dog meat.


I hate Vice and their stupid fringe culture features.

"Why Tibetan Monks Are Calling This 9 Year Old Girl a Nigger"

"Muslim Hipsters in Brooklyn"

"The Great Alaskan Scat Porn Fetish"

Those ladies got peckas!

If this was a parody it would be genius


"All female" the same people that bitch if a place is any percentage over 50 male employees.

These are the same people who call a movie with all black people diverse.

Thumbnail has female jay oakerson on it. I will not be watching

I like Vice and how they report on things in casual clothes and say the word fuck. They get me and my culture and the things that I hold dear.

that time they went to film young men fucking donkeys.... man how they've fallen

"it was a response to trumps electrion"

yeah thatll show him

Oh good. It's been several minutes since I was reminded that Donald Trump caused every woman under 50 to literally not be able to even

So it's more or less accepted that women ruin everything, right?

Except sandwiches. Usually they don't fuck those up, unless they're around when you're eating it.

None of these women should be a spokesperson for anything.

Say nothing whatsoever, while drawing out the last syllable of the word halfway through your sentance, while you formulate the rest of your thought.

"I developed a passion for beer while my husband was on orders in germannnyyyyyyyyyyyy, so that's like really where my passion for beer caaaaaaaaame from?"


Thumbnail and title were enough for me. I'm done here.

No wonder Gavin go the fuck outta there. (This comment is in no way supportive of "proud boys".) Yuck.

"Hey Josh, I just joined the proud boys...uhurru".

3 ugly bull dykes and a fat mexican.

Good company.

Aren't these the same broads that made bread with their vaginal yeast?

"Have you tried our latest IPC?"

Oh good. It's been several minutes since I was reminded that Donald Trump caused every woman under 50 to literally not be able to even