Explanation of the Opie hate

0  2017-09-13 by quetzljitee

The reason everyone hates Opie is rooted in how much, you the listener, identify with him. When you listened to the O&A show it was from the vantage point of being privy to the banter and spirited camaraderie of comics and celebrities you admire being candid and open in their conversation. Like you were lucky enough to be invited to sit with people who would never keep your company in real life. By extension, you the listener, were ‘one of the guys’, sitting at the table, bullshitting with smarter, funnier and more successful people than you. And that vantage point you felt that connection though was 'Opie's Eye'. Just like Opie, you were the unfunny, unworhty, untalented loser who got to sit at the table with the ‘in crowd’ and feel, for that moment, like you weren’t the pathetic zilch you are. The reason you all hate Opie is because, out of all the characters in the O&A universe, you identify with him the most. All the things you hate about Opie, you hate in yourself.

Opie is you, the listener.

Rich Vos will be at the Treehouse Comedy Club in Westport CT this Friday Sept 15th.


Nah. Most here went to school, played sports, have jobs, have friends. Most relate to the comedians because they talk and think the way we talk and think. They remind us of our friends, the guys we sat with at lunch tables and in locker rooms with and who we now drink beer with at backyard BBQs after we outgrew the bars. It is true that by the nature of having adult jobs and wives and kids, you get stifled in how much you can express yourself and you grow more distant from your old buds, but you still think the same jokes you did when you were a kid, you just don't say them out loud. So people appreciate being able to turn Howard, O&A or podcasts and hear that humor and, frankly, get really pissed when those things get fucked up and taken away.

The reason people don't like Opie is because we all know the Opie types from school, work, whatever, that don't fit in the crowd but who for some reason are always there, causing drama, acting like a needy woman contributing little but always scheming for leverage and power.

Opie has breasts

You deserve gold


Still not upvoting.

You deserve gold