Sympathy for Opie

0  2017-09-13 by thursdaynevercomes

Has anyone else felt the slightest bit of sympathy for the dolt? After seeing the video of that banker call him out for having 4 viewers on his live stream I felt a tinge of sadness for the opster. All his life he's wanted listeners, influence, popularity and now he's reduced to live streaming in bars and making strangers uncomfortable. Anyone else feel this way or am I just a faggot? I have a feeling its the latter.


Does sympathy mean it makes my penis erect? Then yes.

No and Yes.


Not even a little bit. I hope he ends up like one of his parents. Either he's alone in a nursing home not being visited by BAM's kids or he gets hit by a truck. Anything less and we have failed as a species.

I have an idea of it would take for me to feel sympathy for Opie and it is extremely disturbing and violent

A little, sometimes, but he never felt sympathy for anyone else. It's all just coming back around for the Opester.

This is a good point. Regardless of the occasional sympathy that I might naturally feel towards him I just have to remind myself that he deserves absolutely none of it.

To answer your last question: yes, you are a faggot.

This is what happens when the show passes you by...

Pleased to meet you, hope you guess my name.

I go deep. Vurry Good. Sniff.

I sometimes feel that little pinch of regret for the rapid tailspin the Opester's career has taken.

Then I think about how much he was paid to be the guy who sucks all the laughter out of a room unironically.

And I feel better, then.

Yes, but only as much as for a gold digging whore whose alimony has run out.

ME: Awkward

I am surprised by the small amount of sympathy I have. He's just so fucking pathetic it beggars belief. You couldn't make up a more hateable, self contradicting bag of easy targets.

Sympathy for the Devil. Dvvv dvvv

i don't feel sympathy for him because as a bitter normal person with a shitty normal job i listened to this juicy breasted retard complain about having a dream job for years, especially considering he was the luckiest guy in the room and the least deserving. four hour work days, constantly meeting and talking to famous people, seven figure salary and the job itself was sitting on your ass and giving funny people topics to joke about.

i just heard a clip where he was implying his salary was too low, and bitching because the company didn't get viral marketing, as he did, and how they didn't want to do an O&A pay-per-view based on old foundry media videos, which sounds like the worst idea they ever had.

I only hope now that it's all gone for him that he realizes how good he actually had it.


I can sum up my sympathy in five words, "HA HA HA HA HA!"

Mods ban this faggot