Sam with his homosexual uncles

87  2017-09-13 by Dennyislife


After this photo was taken, Ant and Jimmy (celebrating 17 years together this year) returned to their place in the Village and committed numerous acts of buggery.

A solid rogering was had by all.

"Not tonight, Ant. I just feel so icky after eating so much bread like such a pig with Sammy tonight."

apparently in real life his brother is a homo setual

Anthony looks like a melting candle

Earthworm Jimmy, Antwan Kumiyya and "Who?" Roberts

Look at that fucking head...

Jimmy's or Sam's?

My bad... the conglomerated, mulatto, MONGREL host with the receding Sideshow Bob hair!

I call this picture "Three Quays go shopping."

Jimmy is such an old NYC queen.

He so effeminate.

I love it.

Anthony actually looks very good in this picture. That's a first.

That's what I thought. It has to be photoshopped, right? He looks like someone just told him about Opie's live restaurant fail or that there was a little girl with a juicy pecks waiting at the combine for him.

Hopefully Sam is Artie's next target.

Oh that would make me so happy. I can just see Artie sitting there and addressing Sam saying "Who the fuck is this guy?... What is your talent?... How the fuck do you have a radio show and me and Anthony can't even get in the building?"

No self-respecting gay man would ever be caught dead wearing an unbuttoned short-sleeved blue linen shirt over a free Rockstar t-shirt.


Well there's the problem right there

Look at him with a short sleeve button up shirt and school bag, he looks like a child character from Malcolm in the Middle

More like Malcom x in the middle tssss

Sam looks like he tried to use his scalp as a Chia pet then sat under a heat lamp.

I hate spry Jimmy. His head still looks like retard Norton but his body looks all strapping.

He looks like those bullshit Cenegenics infomericals

Look how much more toned Norton's right arm is than his left. This man jerks at least 3 times a day.

It's hilarious when Sam calls people creepy... while he looks like there's something very very wrong with him

Sam looks like their biological child

Yet Sam is by far the biggest faggot in the picture.

I was going to make a joke about Ant and Jim being Robin Williams and Nathan Lane from The Birdcage but then I realized that Ant is this guy

This looks more like Sam with his two dads. They mixed the sperm too, which is why Sam's hair is so terrible.

Sam looks too old for them to be his uncles. They're more like uncle Jesse, dave coullier and bob safety in full house

They look like AIDS riddled drug addicts.

They're so fit for their age, when are those two going to find nice girls....settle down.

The Devil's Rejects